
mankind n.1.人類,人。2.男性,男子(opp. womank...


Mankind commenced in a state of extreme rudeness from which they had risen by slow and successive steps . 人類是從極端原始的狀況下邁步,而后一步接著一步慢慢上升的。

It contains the oldest as well as the most circumstantial account now existing of the progress of mankind . 其中關于人類進步過程的記載是現存材料中最古老、最詳細的。

The classical poets pictured the tribes of mankind dwelling in grooves, in caves and in forests . 古典時代的詩人筆下所描寫的人類部落居住在樹叢中,洞穴里和森林中。

Mankind might some night be innocently sleeping when these quiet objects were raging loud . 也許有一天夜里人類會無知無識地熟睡了,而這些平靜的物象競洶涌咆哮起來。

Unaccustomed wonder filled his mind at the reflection of the different lots of the brethren of mankind . 想到人類弟兄不同的命運,他心里充滿了一種非常奇怪的感覺。

The mission of these great minds is to guide mankind over the sea of error to the heaven of truth . 這些偉人的使命是引導人類渡過錯誤的大海,到達真理的天堂。

They had no knowledge of the past of mankind at all; at best they had a few shrewd guesses . 他們簡直對于人類的以往毫無所知,最多不過有些銳利的猜測。

But zeus, the chief of the olympian gods, gave law to mankind as his greatest present . 而奧林匹斯山眾神之首宙斯把法律作為他最偉大的禮物賜予了人類。

I resolve to free mankind from the insupportable burden of the existence of those lurking ruffians . 我決心要為民除害,把這群偷雞摸狗的流氓鏟除掉。

The principal institutions of mankind have been developed from a few primary germs of thought . 人類的主要制度是從少數原始思想的幼苗中發展出來的。

His head swam when he considered what results his discovery would have for mankind . 當他想到這個發現將會給人類帶來什么結果時,他感到頭暈目眩了。

The good of mankind may be much increased by the naturalist's insight into the trades . 人類的福利能夠通過自然科學家對各行各業的洞察力提高很多。

I invoke the considerate judgement of mankind and the gracious favour of almighty god . 我要求人類判斷此行動時給予諒解,請求全能上帝慈悲賜福。

Its power for blessing mankind will be a thousand times greater than its power for doing harm . 它造福人類的力量,將比它做壞事的力量大一千倍。

Streams of living water are poisoned by the cup that conveys them to the thirsty lips of mankind . 潺潺活水被為人類盛水止渴的杯子染上了毒。

We do not intend to abandon our duty to mankind to seek a peaceful solution . 我們不打算為了尋求一項和平解決辦法而放棄我們對人類的責任。

The ancient practice of blood revenge has prevailed widely in the tribes of mankind . 報仇這種古老的習俗在人類各部落中流行得非常廣。

Unrestrained population increase is seen as the major crisis facing mankind today . 無約束的人口增長被看作是今天人類面臨的主要危機。

A new age of international peace and good will seemed to have dawned for mankind . 一個國際和平和親善的新時代似乎給人類現出了曙光。