
manifest adj.明白的,明顯的。vt.1.指明,表明;明白表示。...

manifest destiny

The content of the manifest may be something like this 該清單的內容可能類似于:

Specifies a product name for the assembly manifest 指定程序集清單的產品名稱。

Sign the deployment manifest with your certificate 使用證書對部署清單進行簽名:

A mask used to retrieve private manifest resources 用于檢索私有清單資源的掩碼。

We discuss the manifest file later in this article 本文后面將討論manifest文件。

The top - level element for the application manifest 應用程序清單中的頂級元素。

Her ability is manifest , but she is not attractive 她才能出眾,但長相并不動人。

Class to clear the embedded application manifest 類可清除嵌入的應用程序清單。

Cannot both be specified in the same deployment manifest 元素指定的值檢查更新。

And context information for manifest - based activation 對象包含基于清單的激活的

The full name of the manifest - activated application 清單激活的應用程序的全名。

Can the float power be used on the manifester “漂浮術”可以用于顯能者自己么?

A mask used to retrieve public manifest resources 用于檢索公共清單資源的掩碼。

Gets or sets a textual description for the manifest 獲取或設置清單的文字描述。

Listing 5 is the declaration in the plug - in manifest 清單5是插件清單中的聲明。

Culture manifested in arts and costumes 10 . 05 . 01 香港向國際推廣嶄新品牌形象( 10

He seated himself on a projection of the rocks, whence he gave no other signs of consciousness than by the struggles of his spirit, as manifested by infrequent and heavy sighs . 他獨自坐在一塊突起的巖石上,除了不時傷心地深深嘆口氣,流露出他精神上的痛苦外,毫不顯出有知覺的模樣。

I have been mocked with the likeness of sleep, while sounds of discord have rent my ears, such as might manifest the fullness of time, and that nature had forgotten her harmony . 我一直就象是睡著了,可是耳邊盡響著嘈雜的聲音,仿佛世界已經到了末日,大自然已經失去了和諧和平靜。

Policy is the starting point of all the practical actions of a revolutionary party and manifests itself in the process and the end-result of that party 's actions . 政策是革命政黨一切實際行動的出發點,并且表現于行動的過程和歸宿。