
mandatary n.【法律】受任者,受托者,被委托人;代理人;受托管理國...


Besides , to enforce the security of authentication process , in this thesis we propose the design and implementation of a passwd checker and mandatary identification and authentication mechanism in ercist 4 . 0 secure operating system 本文還介紹了安勝4 . 0安全操作系統中口令檢查器和強身份認證機制的設計和實現,以增強鑒別過程的安全性。

After extension , new security properties of users , security label and audit mask , are added to the i & a system , in order to support the mandatary access control ( mac ) and audit system under the secure os 擴展后的標識鑒別機制增加了新的用戶安全屬性,即安全標簽和審計掩碼,以增加對安全操作系統下強制存取訪問控制和審計機制的支持。