
managua n.馬那瓜[馬拿瓜]〔尼加拉瓜首都〕。


He founded with roger sugden and keith cowling the european network on industrial policy studies - eunip , which is today joining more than 150 members in europe , in 1997 with the university of ferrara , birmingham and winsconsin founded the institute of industrial development policy studies , managing a school of industrial development policy studies in ferrara , millwaukee and managua 1988 - 1989年波倫亞大學政治經濟學副教授; 1990年烏迪內大學政治經濟學系主任; 1991年波倫亞大學歐共體經濟與金融系主任、歐洲工業經濟研究協會常

Three universities use debian for routers and servers . a debian workshop for system administrators from the biggest university , nacional autnoma de nicaragua - managua , just finished 有三所大學將debian用于路由器及伺服器,而且最近當地最大的大學nacional autnoma de nicaragua - managua針對系統管理者所舉辦的debian研討會剛剛結束。

Sundry americans , from the ambassador in managua to the secretary of commerce , warned nicaraguans of dire consequences if they chose him as their president 無數的美國人,從駐馬那瓜大使到商務部長,都警告說如果選奧爾特加為總統后果將不堪設想。

Kindly offer your best price and advise full spec . of your production destination to : managua , nicaragua port at c & f liner term 請貴方報成本加運費班輪的最低價,并告知貴方所有產品的規格,目的港是尼加拉瓜的馬那瓜港。

A young nicaraguan plays on a staircase in a building damaged by a 1972 earthquake in the old centre of managua august 23 , 2005 在馬拿瓜舊市區中心,一名尼加拉瓜少年于一棟1972年大地震中受損的建筑物樓梯間表演。