
malignity n.惡意,敵意,毒心;怨恨;【醫學】(病的)惡性。


He raised his missile to hurl it ; i commenced a soothing speech , but could not stay his hand : the stone struck my bonnet ; and then ensued , from the stammering lips of the little fellow , a string of curses , which , whether he comprehended them or not , were delivered with practised emphasis , and distorted his baby features into a shocking expression of malignity 他舉起他的飛鏢要擲。我開始說一套好話,可是不能止住他的手。那塊石頭擲中我的帽子,隨之而來的是從這小家伙的口里吐出來一串結結巴巴的咒罵,也不知道他自己是否理解在罵些什么,但他這樣出口罵人十分老練,還有一套惡狠狠的腔調。

She doubted not , that the continual presence of roger chillingworth the secret poison of his malignity , infecting all the air about him - and his authorised interference , as a physician , with 她毫不懷疑,羅杰靈渥斯沒日沒夜地守在他身邊,他那不可告人的險惡用心毒化了他周圍的氣氛,他那醫生的身分對牧師的身心癰疾具有權威性的影響這一切都構成了達到殘酷目的的可乘之機。

Bitterness , unprovoked malignity , gratuitous desire of ill , ridicule of whatever was good and holy , all awoke , to tempt , even while they frightened him 輕蔑狠毒無緣無故的惡言穢行和歹意對善良和神圣的事物妄加嘲弄,這一切全都繪喚醒起來,雖說把他嚇得要命,卻仍在誘惑著他。

The little witch put a mock malignity into her beautiful eyes , and joseph , trembling with sincere horror , hurried out praying and ejaculating wicked as he went 約瑟夫真的嚇得直抖,趕緊跑出去,一邊跑一邊禱告,還嚷著“惡毒! ”

I was compelled to attempt it, because i had succeeded in rousing his rage a pitch above his malignity . 我是被迫作這個打算的,因為我已經把他的憤怒煽得比他的惡毒還要高一點了。

Outside, the pitiless rain fell, fell steadily, with a fierce malignity that was all too human . 外面下著無情的雨,不斷地下著,簡直跟通人性那樣兇狠而惡毒。