
malignance n.(極端的)惡意;惡毒的行為;不吉,兇;【醫學】惡性;...


The widespread use of x - ray in medical diagnosis and treatment for some diseases in the early 30 s without realizing its harmful effects led to cases of radiation dermatitis and chronic ulceration , eventually resulting in radiation induced cancers . following these , various radiation induced malignances surfaced one after another , drawing attention on the detrimental effects due to radiation 在30年代初期, x射線和放射性核素曾應用于治療某些疾病。由于病人累積過高劑量,曾誘發白血病和肝癌、骨癌等惡性腫瘤。其后種種因輻射而誘發的疾病相繼發現,引起了人們對輻射危害的關注。

Of course , in order to hold the concept of personal dangerousness in the fields of criminal law , it is necessary to distinguish the personal dangerousness from such concepts as the subjective malignance and social harmfulness . this is because there are correlations and differentiations among these concepts which thus can extremely easily result in confusion 當然,為了更準確的理解刑法領域內犯罪人的人身危險性概念,還有必要把人身危險性與刑法中主觀惡性、社會危害性等概念區別開來,因為這幾個概念既有區別又有聯系,極易導致混淆。

Preliminary clinical trials demonstrate that fl treatment resulted in an antitumor response against human malignances and development of a variety of bioreactor systems , and results from the efficacy of ex vivo expanded hematopoietic cells for transplantation therapy 臨床前實驗表明, fl用于造血干細胞移植可有效地擴增體內的造血干細胞,提高機體對腫瘤細胞的主動免疫能力,為腫瘤臨床免疫治療提供了一種更為有效的治療手段。

My god ! he said . and to think what and whowhat scum can be the cause of misery to people ! he said with a malignance that terrified princess marya 他說道, “你會料想不到,不管一件什么東西,一個什么人是多么微不足道,都有可能使人遭到不幸! ”

Following these , various radiation induced malignances surfaced one after another , drawing attention on the detrimental effects due to radiation 其后種種因輻射而誘發的疾病相繼發現,引起了人們對輻射危害的關注。