
malaise n.〔法語〕不舒服;小病,微恙;精神欠爽。


The incubation period ranges from 7 - 18 days , usually 14 days . initial symptoms include malaise , fever , cough , conjunctivitis and whitish spots inside the mouth 麻疹的潛伏期為7至18日,通常為14日。初期病徵包括疲倦、發熱、咳嗽、結膜發炎和口腔內出現白點。

In addition to fever and respiratory symptoms , sars may be associated with other symptoms including : headache , muscular stiffness , loss of appetite , malaise , confusion , rash , and diarrhea 該病的其他徵狀包括頭痛肌肉僵硬食欲不振疲倦神志不清皮疹和肚瀉。

Patients with viral gastroenteritis may display symptoms of nausea , vomiting , diarrhoea , abdominal pain , low - grade fever and malaise which last for 24 to 48 hours 病毒性腸胃炎患者的徵狀包括惡心嘔吐腹瀉腹痛輕微發燒及不適,癥狀可維持24至48小時。

The costs of finding additional reserves of oil and gas have soared , an industry study shows , adding to the malaise of international oil companies “鑒于增加的資本投入未能轉化為新增儲量,儲量替代成本飆升了73 % , ”一項針對200家油氣公司的研究發現。

But for a growing number of americans the superpower ' s inability to impose its will on mesopotamia is symptomatic of a deeper malaise 但越來越多的美國人意識到:若說是美國已經重病的話,這個超級大國對美索不達米亞的無能為力僅是重病的一個癥狀。

Thus , i hope that americans will understand our culture better and gain insight into its current malaise and possible future course 因此,我盼望美國讀者可以藉由本書對我們的文化有更深的認識,并能洞察當今美國文化的毛病,及未來可能出現的課題。

The early clinical features of mctd are nonspecific , and may consist of general malaise , arthralgias , myalgias , and low - grade fever 混合性結締組織疾病早期的表現并不具特異性,常只是全身倦怠,關節肌肉酸痛及低熱,較特異的發現是抗核抗體的生成。

2 . the main symptoms include fever of 38 degrees celsius or above , malaise , chills , headache and body ache . chest x - rays show changes compatible with pneumonia 2 .病者的主要癥狀包括發燒攝氏38度或以上全身乏力發冷頭痛及身體疼痛。

Manager joe torre was asked after the yankees ' 6 - 4 loss to the orioles sunday at what point the malaise of his starting staff becomes a concern 周日洋基以6比4敗給金鶯之后,總教頭托瑞被問到先發投手群的差勁表現是否讓他擔憂。

A prime symptom of the monetary malaise has been the extraordinarily high rate that banks have been charging each other for three - month loans 貨幣市場弊病的主要癥狀是銀行之間互相收取異常高的三個月貸款利率。

Many in china have concluded that the blame for japan ' s economic malaise in the 1990s lay largely with the appreciation of the yen 許多中國人的結論是,日本的經濟衰退,歸咎于在上世紀90年代大幅升值的日圓。

When japan gave in to u . s . pressure in the 1980s to strengthen the yen , the result was a decade - long economic malaise 20世紀80年代,當日本迫于美方壓力使日元增值的時候,其結果就是日本長達十年的經濟不振。

A bigger current account surplus and a more aggressive monetary policy are necessary conditions for ending the japanese malaise 要治愈日本的疾患,更大的經常帳戶盈余和更積極的貨幣政策都是必要條件。

The data barely show it yet , but the financial malaise could yet be aggravated by a broader economic malaise 而一旦實體經濟出現問題,金融危機可能會雪上加霜,盡管數據表明當前的情形還不至于那么壞。

The credit - market malaise is also likely to lift default rates in the corporate sector , causing additional bank losses 信貸市場的困境同樣可能提高商業領域的無法償還率,并制造進一步的銀行損失。

Consequently a post modern perspective of the malaises may as well do good to the educational development in the future 從后現代視角進行的批評揭示了這些隱憂,為未來教育的發展提供了借鑒。

Acute gastroenteritis usually presents with symptoms of nausea , vomiting , diarrhoea , abdominal pain , low - grade fever and malaise 急性腸胃炎的徵狀包括惡心嘔吐腹瀉腹痛輕微發燒及不適。

The main symptoms include fever ( of 38 degrees celsius or above ) , malaise , chills , headache and body ache 病者的主要癥狀包括發燒(攝氏38度或以上) 、全身乏力、發冷、頭痛及身體疼痛。

New research into the uk workforce , to be published this week , reveals that the british malaise is as serious as any 將于本周發布的最新英國職員調查表明,英國的問題與其它國家同樣嚴重。