
malachite n.【礦物】孔雀石。


The sun was often the image engraved upon malachite because the sun was regarded as the enemy of all creatures of the “ dark “ 俄羅斯人把孔雀石用做建筑物內部裝飾材料,列寧格勒的圣伊薩克大教堂的大園柱上鑲著孔雀石。

Dilution factor : normal ( 1 : 10 ) . composition pre - enrichment broth : double strength bpw with vancomycin , malachite green , and milk 稀釋系數:標準( 1 : 10 ) 。預富集培養基成分:含萬古霉素,孔雀綠和奶的雙效bpw 。

The modern malachite trade has already made the scientific nephrite craft classification standard on the basis of ancient s experience 現代玉石行業在古人經驗基礎上,已制定了科學的和田玉工藝等級標準。

An outstanding one of various kinds of malachite with the color of hetian jade jade , with its peculiar jade green and valuing extremely 和闐玉的顏色是各種玉石中的佼佼者,以它特有的玉色而倍受珍視。

The rock of dali can see the similar situation , but the rock of dali is not the malachite , the grain size is very thick , easy difference 大理巖可見類似情況,但大理巖非玉石,粒度也很粗,易于區別。

Various kinds of malachite with one s own natural color of characteristic , guide people like , mount location , world of jewellery 各種玉石都以自己特征的自然色彩,引人喜愛,而登上世界珍寶之位。

Wearing malachite jewelry helps the wearer get in touch with their emotions and grow in self - knowledge 孔雀石的品種與評價。孔雀石的品種有普通孔雀石、孔雀石寶石、孔雀石貓眼石、青孔雀石。

In the world last this color malachite not much , but as and hetian jade beautiful in color of the leather in jade 另外,和闐玉有多種皮色。世界上不少玉石都帶有此色,但不如和闐玉皮色美麗。

But malachite can be used to bring negative emotions to the surface and allow healing of emotional pain restoring balance and inner joy 常有紋帶,絲絹光澤或玻璃光澤,似透明至不透明。 0

The stone : malachite is one of the oldest and most popular gemstones for jewelry , ornamentals , and metaphysical uses 孔雀石的英文名稱為malachite ,來源于希臘語mallache ,意思是“綠色” 。

The department includes the monitoring of imported fish for the presence of malachite green in its food surveillance programme 本署把監察進口魚類是否含孔雀石綠,納入食物監察計劃內。

Some of these species commonly found in mineral shops are fluorite , opals , lapis , malachite and jade 一般能在礦物商店里找到的這類物種,有一些是螢石、蛋白石、青金石、孔雀石和玉石。

Sub jade sub jade mean that is caught ores to degrade the malachite carried by the flowing water in the river originally 子玉又名子兒玉,是指原生礦經剝蝕被流水搬運到河流中的玉石。

Methods for chemical analysis of ferromolybdenum - the malachite green spectrophotometric method for the determination of antimony content 鉬鐵化學分析方法孔雀綠分光光度法測定銻量

Malachite is one of the oldest and most popular gemstones for jewelry , ornamentals , and metaphysical uses 孔雀石的英文名稱為malachite ,來源于希臘語mallache ,意思是“綠色” 。

It distribute on riverbed and both sides , among the terrace , malachite uncover the earth s surface or bury to underground 它分布于河床及兩側階地中,玉石裸露地表或埋于地下。

Malachite helps to unlock dreams and allow them to become a tool to understanding and solving problems in our lives 孔雀石也用于雕刻各種禮拜用品和裝飾品,壁爐和桌面鑲嵌等。

Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - the malachite green photometric method for the determination of antimony content 鉬化學分析方法孔雀綠光度法測定銻量

Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - the malachite green photometric method for the determination of antimony content 鎢化學分析方法孔雀綠光度法測定銻量