
malacca n.1.馬六甲〔馬來西亞港市〕。2.【歷史】滿喇加國。短...

malacca cane

After our beautiful and gracious supreme master ching hai lectured in kuala lumpur , malaysia , on april 30 , 2000 , local initiates were filled with happiness and overflowing with love . our enthusiasm to share master s teachings could not be contained , and so with a quan yin messenger , malaysian initiates presented six video seminars in the major cities of malaysia , namely , perak , kadah , ipoh , butterworth , malacca , and penang 自從我們美麗優雅的清海師父在2000年4月30日蒞臨馬來西亞吉隆坡講經之后,同修們法喜充滿愛力洋溢,熱切地想要分享師父教理給更多人,于是與觀音使者一起在馬來西亞各主要城市舉辦了六場錄影帶講座,這些城市包括比叻卡達怡保巴特渥斯麻六甲與檳城。

Lau , who has worked on conservation projects along the malacca coast for three years , said poachers dig eggs out of their sandy nests and sell them to locals who believe they boost male virility and sooth pregnancy - related ailments 一位在麻六甲海峽為保育計畫工作三年的劉女士表示,盜獵者會偷挖海龜蛋,并且賣給當地人,因為當地人相信海龜蛋有壯陽的功效,并能治療與懷孕相關的疾病。

It was heartwarming to hear the responses of people attending the seminars . for example , one person in the audience in malacca commented , “ why did you take such a long time to share master s teachings in our town 來參加錄影帶講座的民眾的反應讓我們感覺很溫馨,例如在麻六甲,有位來賓說:你們為什么不早一點來這里與我們分享師父的教理?

A pentagon report last year said china could maintain only a “ symbolic ” naval presence beyond its coast , but was interested in extending its presence to the malacca strait and the indian ocean 去年一份美國五角大樓報告說中國只能在其海岸邊上保持一支“象征性”的海軍存在,卻對于在馬六甲海峽和印度洋的發揮作用非常感興趣。

As china emerges as a trading giant ( one increasingly dependent on imported oil ) , a few of its military analysts talk about the need to protect distant sea lanes in the malacca strait and beyond 隨著中國漸漸成為一個貿易大國(日益依靠進口石油的大國) ,一小部分軍事分析家討論起了中國是否有需要保護馬六甲以遠的海上航線。

Pentagon report last year said china could maintain only a “ symbolic ” naval presence beyond its coast , but was interested in extending its presence to the malacca strait and the indian ocean 去年一份美國五角大樓報告說中國只能在其海岸邊上保持一支“象征性”的海軍存在,卻對于在馬六甲海峽和印度洋的發揮作用非常感興趣。

Eighty percent of china ' s overseas oil transportation passes through the malacca strait and as one of the busiest sea routes the security conditions of the malacca straits are out of china ' s control 中國海外石油運輸80 %要經過馬六甲海峽,馬六甲海峽作為世界最繁忙的海道之一,安全形勢并不由中國人掌握。

Ding kwok and ka yong are good friends and both work for gang - leader ah chay . later , their relations with ah chay go sour , ding kwok flees to malacca and ka yong joins the gang of chu lao ta 定國和家勇本來情同手足,同為潮州老大李阿擠手下,后家勇因事與擠哥反目,定國遠走馬六甲,家勇亦改投朱老大。

Ding kwok and ka yong are good friends and both work for gang - leader ah chay . later , their relations with ai chay go sour , ding kwok flees to malacca and ka yong joins the gang of chu lao ta 定國和家勇本來情同手足,同為潮州老大李阿擠手下,后家勇因事與擠哥反目,定國遠走馬六甲,家勇亦改投朱老大。

After breakfast , we cross the border to malaysia and drive to the old portuguese settlement of malacca . here you will find antique stores with treasures of a bygone era 今日驅車北上,進入馬來西亞邊界,經新山市到達馬六甲古城,游著名景點:葡萄牙城門荷蘭人紅屋區三寶井中國山觀音廟等名勝。

The varied landscape afforded by the andaman islands was soon passed , however , and the rangoon rapidly approached the straits of malacca , which give access to the china seas 所有安達曼群島的美麗的景物,都飛快地從船旁掠過。仰光號迅速地開向馬六甲海峽,這條海峽是通向中國領海的門戶。

The malacca strait , is one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world , funnelling 50 , 000 vessels a year between the biggest economies of the west and the east 馬六甲海峽是世界上最忙碌的海運行道之一,每年約有5萬船次,從世界經濟最發達的西方來回穿梭到東方。

Its current branches and service centres are located in the klang valley , butterworth , ipoh , seremban , malacca , batu pahat , johor baru , kuantan and sabah 其他現有分行和服務中心位于巴生谷北海怡保芙蓉馬六甲巴株巴轄新山關丹及沙巴。

Lee hom was on a promotional tour to penang , malacca , the klang valley , sabah and sarawak recently to promote his latest album , heroes of earth 力宏增進旅游到過檳榔嶼、馬六甲海峽、巴生谷、沙巴和沙撈越宣傳最新專輯《蓋世英雄》 。

Two brothers oppose each other ' s attempts to exploit their ancestral home in the historical city of malacca , malaysia 歲月掀起風云,馬來西亞馬六甲的一間戰前老房子,見證著的不但是馬來西亞歷史,還有在里面世代相傳的居民。

In malacca , both the families of ai chay and ding kwok are killed in an explosion . to take revenge , ah chay and ding kwuok go back to hong kong . . 其時勇追至馬六甲,擠哥與定國兩家人均被炸死,擠與國幸得逃脫,二人回港雪仇

In malacca , both the families of ah chay and ding kwok are killed in an explosion . to take revenge , ah chay and ding kwuok go back to hong kong . . 其時勇追至馬六甲,擠哥與定國兩家人均被炸死,擠與國幸得逃脫,二人回港雪仇

Ding kwok and ka yong are good friends and both work for gang - leader ah chay . later , their relations with ai chay go sour , ding kwok flees to malacca 定國與家勇兄妹一同長大,因家境貧困,家勇養成好賭習性,惠珠淪為舞女。

Its service centres are in the klang valley , butterworth , penang island , ipoh , seremban , malacca , batu pahat , johor baru and kuantan 它的服務中心設在巴生谷北海檳島怡保芙蓉馬六甲巴株巴轄新山及關丹。