
makeover 徹底改變,大翻新,改頭換面。


Mr yanukovich ' s critics say that , despite an attempt at a makeover , he still bears the marks left by the criminalised post - soviet era 可針對雅魯克維奇先生的評論家卻講道,盡管他在盡力給烏克蘭改新革面,但他卻仍無法抹去罪惡的前蘇聯時代在他身上留下的印記。

Makeover an overall beauty treatment that involves a person ' s hair style and cosmetics and clothing , which intends to change or improve a person ' s appearance 過分狂熱的過分樂觀或浪漫的不實際的美容,全面改變個人形象,包括做發型化妝,以及衣飾

Preston kevin lewis , global director of the winnie the pooh franchise . winnie the pooh is getting a makeover for the 80th anniversary of its publication “小熊維尼“連鎖店的全球總監普雷斯頓?凱文?劉易斯表示為了迎接80歲誕辰,小熊維尼目前正積極轉型

Rita : don ' t be put off by appearances , still waters run deep . after a makeover he ' d look a hundred percent better and he ' s smart 莉達:不要單看人的外表,就敬而遠之。正所謂大智若愚。經過改造后,他會有百分百的改變,況且他很聰明啊。

The children are older and at last she and her husband have more time on their hands . she feels it ' s time for a midlife makeover to bring back the old spark 在“重要的日子”里,與你感情甜蜜的他終于提出了那個讓人心動的請求!

Afterwards , ladies will go to the backstage and they will have a makeover by our professional makeup artists and wear masks when they came out 隨后,該五為來賓到后臺,我們將有專門的造型師為其化妝、換裝并帶上面具。

In the latest makeover , the white house renovated the room in bolder colors and patterns in the victorian style 在最近一次裝修中,白宮將林肯臥室裝修成維多利亞時代的風格,臥室的顏色變得更加開放。

The makeover elements are meant to help diners achieve happiness and fortune - - whether they realize it or not 這些新元素的引入是為了給用餐的顧客帶來福氣和好運? ?無論他們是否意識到這一點。

And now the russian tea room is open once again with a new owner and a 19 - million - dollar makeover 現今這家俄羅斯茶室迎來了它的新主人,并在做了價值一千九百萬美元的翻新后重新開張營業。

Since global warming received its hollywood makeover , such talk has stirred up controversy in scientific circles 自從全球變暖經過好萊塢電影翻新再現,天氣這個話題引起了科學界的爭議。

New labor laws forced the sweatshops to evacuate , leaving soho a ghost town desperate for a makeover 而新的勞工法迫使這些血汗工廠遷走了,使得蘇荷區成為了一個亟需改造的棄城。

And now the russian tea room is open once again with a new owner and a 19 - million - dollar makeover 現在“俄羅斯茶室”再次對外開放,新主人耗資1 , 900萬美元對它進行了翻修。

And now the russian tea room is open once again with a new owner and a 19 - million - dollar makeover 現在“俄羅斯茶室”經過易主并進行了花費190萬美元的翻修后再度開放。

And now the russian tea room is open once again with a new owner and a 19 - million - dollar makeover 如今俄羅斯茶室再度開張,新東家耗資1900萬美元將其修飾一新。

And now the russian tea room is open once again with a new owner and a 19 - million - dollar makeover 在新主人花了1900萬美元裝修之后, “俄羅斯茶室”重新開放。

This political tactfulness has been accompanied by an unplanned makeover of its economic image 隨著中國政治手腕日趨嫻熟,中國經濟形象不經意間也發生轉變。

This political tactfulness has been accompanied by an unplanned makeover of its economic image 這種政治圓滑一直伴隨著中國經濟形象的意外改善。

This political tactfulness has been accompanied by an unplanned makeover of its economic image 除了這種政治的圓滑之外,還有其出奇的經濟景象。

Zhengzhou ' s drastic makeover is typical of those under way in cities around china 鄭州巨大的建設正是現在中國其它城市的代表。