
make-up 1.(演員的)裝扮,打扮,化裝;化裝用具;化妝品。2.組...


Margaret never failed first to take off her make-up and hang up the clothes she had stepped out of . 瑪格麗特從不忘記取下化妝品,把脫下的衣服掛整齊。

She had always taken her make-up off with remover and put a good moisturiser on afterwards . 她一直就用去脂劑除掉化妝品,然后再擦上保濕霜。

Theatrical make-up and artificial blood had been used to make the injures look realistic . 演戲化妝用的油彩和人造血使傷處顯得逼真。

She was the only woman of the three whose face was free of make-up . 在三個女性里面,她是唯一沒有施用化妝品的。

Put some moisturizer on as a base before applying your make-up . 使用你的化妝品之前先用點潤膚脂打底。

She never wears make-up . 她從來不擦化妝品。

Her make-up is smudged . 她擦的化妝品已蹭污了。

She is just putting on her make-up . 她正在化裝。

Her careful make-up hid the signs of age beneath . 她的精心化妝掩飾了下面的歲月痕跡。

She puts a lot of make-up on her face . 她總是濃妝艷抹的。

Jealousy is not part of his make-up . 他的品性中沒有忌妒。

She removed her make-up with a tissue . 她用紙巾擦掉脂粉。

Too much make-up looks unnatural . 上裝過于濃艷看上去不自然。