uploads/major scale.jpg

major scale 【音樂】大音階。

major sceptre

Dr daimen marmion , managing director of bupa asia limited , said : “ bupa hong kong health index is custom - made to raise the concern for both physical and psychological health . we hope to encourage the people of hong kong to nurture a healthy lifestyle through the introduction of this health index and , ultimately , it will become a major scale of health measurement in the community . 保亞洲有限公司董事總經理馬明安醫學博士表示:我們首創保港人健康指數,目的是希望喚起港人對身心健康的關注,更重要的是藉著推廣此健康指數,推動更多香港人積極建立一個終生實踐的健康生活方式。

The drills were conducted on a major scale with approximately 480 individuals from 27 different organizations including the tokyo metropolitan government , the metropolitan police department , the tokyo fire department , and the ground self - defense forces participating 演練規模大致480人,來自27個不同組織,包括東京都政府警視廳消防廳以及陸上自衛隊。

Carrying further the investigation into your intuitive knowledge , the major scale is derived and its structure made explicit ; intervals , tetrachords , the model of a major scale are discussed 對于你的直覺知識更進一步的探究,大調音階會衍生出來,而且它的結構是較明顯的;音程,四度音階,這些大調音階的模式會被討論到。

6 . in the count boxes under major scale and minor scale , type the numbers of intervals you want between the unit labels on the major scale and on the minor scale 6 。在“主要時間刻度”和“次要時間刻度”下的“計數”框中,選擇所需的主要時間刻度和次要時間刻度上單位標簽之間的間隔。

The seventh so added will be a major seventh in the case of triads on the tonic and subdominant , and a minor seventh in the case of other degrees of the diatonic major scale 所增加的七音在主音和下屬音三和弦的情況下成為大七和弦,在自然大音階的其他音的情況下成為小七和弦。

At the top of the gantt chart view ( and most other time - related views ) , you ' ll see a timescale consisting of two components : a major scale on top and a minor scale beneath it 在“甘特圖”視圖(及其他大多數與時間有關的視圖)的頂端有一個時間刻度。

For example , if the major scale unit is weeks , and you type 2 , the scale will be separated into 2 - week segments 譬如,如果主要時間刻度單位是“周” ,而您在“計數”框中輸入2 ,那么主要時間刻度將每兩周分為一段。

3 . in the units boxes under major scale and minor scale , click the timescale units you want 3 。在“主要時間刻度”和“次要時間刻度”下的“單位”框中,分別選擇所需的時間刻度單位。

This interval , which occurs between the fourth and seventh degrees of the diatonic major scale , is also known as a tritone 不協和音程發生在自然大音階的四度和七度,也被稱為三全音。

3 . in the units boxes under major scale and minor scale , click the units of time you want to use 3 。在“主要時間刻度”和“次要時間刻度”下的“單位”框中,選擇所需的時間單位。

5 . in the align boxes under major scale and minor scale , click the alignments you want . 5 。在“主要時間刻度”和“次要時間刻度”下的“對齊”框中,選擇所需的對齊方式。

4 . in the label boxes under major scale and minor scale , click the labels you want 4 。在“主要時間刻度”和“次要時間刻度”下的“標簽”框中,分別選擇所需的標簽。

To display only the major scale time unit , click none in the units box under minor scale . 要僅顯示主要時間刻度,請在“次要時間刻度”下的“單位”框中選擇“無” 。

4 . in the label boxes under major scale and minor scale , click the labels you want to use 4 。在“主要時間刻度”和“次要時間刻度”下的“標簽”框中,選擇標簽。