
maintenance n.1.保持,維持,保養;保管,保存,維護,維修;繼續;...

maintenance command

This is efficient , low maintenance learning 這種學習既有效率,又不必經常反復。

Management and maintenance of open computer laboratory 計算機實驗室的管理和維護

Oam p operations , administration , maintenance and provisioning 操作管理維護和供應

Application of netghost to computer room maintenance 網絡機房軟件系統的維護技術

The maintenance management of numerical control machines 數控機床的維修管理要點

Standardized management and maintenances of microscope 顯微鏡的規范化管理與保養

Small volume , and convenient installation and maintenance 體積小安裝維護方便。

Role to create and manage maintenance tasks 角色的成員才能創建和管理維護任務。

The head groundskeeper has a staff of gardeners and maintenance men who water lawns, cut grass, plant and tend flowers, shrubs and trees, and carry out other necessary tasks . 庭院管理員領班指揮園丁和養護工給草坪澆水,剪草,種花植樹,并完成其它各項必要的工作。

The only condition attached to state maintenance of the mother and the children should be that both parents are physically and mentally sound in all ways likely to affect the children . 由國家來供養母親和兒女,只附帶一個條件,即父母的身心方面,凡是足以影響兒女的,都必須健全。

The democracies, on the other hand, taxed the rich, and generally paid the impecunious citizen a maintenance allowance and special fees . 而另一方面,民主政體不但向富人征稅,并且通常給貧窮的公民以生活津貼和特殊費用。

Energy is transferred from the electron donor to the organism for synthesis and maintenance by a complex series of enzymatic reactions . 為了細胞合成和維持生命,能量從電子給予體通過一系列復雜的酶反應轉移到生物體。

As for linden's sons, the guardians intimated their intention of compelling them to contribute towards the cost of their parents' maintenance . 至于林登的兒子們,濟貧局說要強迫他們負擔一部分贍養父母的費用。

None the less unhcr in 1977 was still spending more than $200,000 a month for care and maintenance for refugees in argentina. 但難民專員辦事處在一九七七年仍然每月要花費二十萬美元照管和供養在阿根廷的難民。

This simple method gives only an indication of the intensity of selection responsible for the inception and maintenance of clinal variation . 這個簡單方法只能說明對梯度變異開始和保持起決定作用的強度。

Operating and maintenance personnel must be adequately protected from the electrical hazards associated with open electric elements . 運行和保養人員必須對裸線式電熱元件的電氣危險性,有相應的防護措施。

In the interior design, the use of furniture, fabrics and equipment that have been tested can sharply cut maintenance cost . 就室內設計來說,使用經過檢驗的家具,紡織品和設備就能大大降低維修費用。

The arguments seem to be mainly in favour of silage if the forage is to have a production as well as a maintenance function . 如果青貯飼料既有生產功能又有維持功能,爭論看來主要是有利于青貯飼料。

Such heavy branches tend to grow vigorously in later years and render difficult the maintenance of an acceptable tree shape . 這種強壯枝在以后年代里易于旺盛生長,給保持植株合理的樹型造成困難。