
mainland 大陸,本土〔對島嶼、半島而言〕。


Situation of hk professional practicing in the mainland 專業人士在內地執業情況

Live broadcast to local schools and mainland universities 本港及內地大學網上直播

Enforcement standards adopted by mainland customs authorities 內地海關執法問題

He added , the mainland is very receptive to change 他續說:內地很能順應改變。

Assistance to hong kong businessmen operating in mainland 協助在內地經營的港商

Present situation of abroad studying mainland chinese 中國大陸海外留學人員的現狀

About 2 , 000 mainland enterprises operate in hong kong 香港約有2000多家中資企業

Assisting enterprises to develop business in the mainland 協助企業開展內地業務

Enforcement of judgements made by mainland courts 內地法院作出的判決的執行問題

Hong kong and mainland co - operate in oceanography 內地與香港簽署海洋科技合作協議

Comparison with mainland europe is also gratifying 和歐洲大陸的對比也尤為可喜。

Taiwan has invested 80 - 100 billion in the mainland ,并向北京政府提出這些問題。

We must solve the case to send you to the mainland 我們必須破案后再送你回大陸

A new record of ophraella communa of mainland china 在中國大陸發現豚草條紋螢葉甲

More e - business cooperation between mainland and hk 內地及香港更緊密電子商貿合作

Mainland visit for immigration officers with photo 入境事務人員赴內地交流附圖

The bridge connects the island with the mainland 這座橋把島嶼和大陸連接起來。

Developing prospect of new confucianism in the mainland 新儒家在大陸的發展前景

Assistance to hong kong residents in the mainland 協助在內地的香港居民服務指南