
main adj.1.主要的,主,全,總。2.充分的,盡量的;全力...

main body

Will you please sum up the main ideas of this article ? 請把這篇文章的大意歸納一下。

Montesquieu's main concern was forms of government . 孟德斯鳩的主要研究對象是政體。

He lives in a village a little way off the main road . 他住在離大路不遠的一個村子。

My new house is not yet connected to the mains . 我的新房子還沒接上水、電、煤氣呢。

Intelligence was her main asset . 智力是她的主要財富。

This really is the prevailing idea of main street . 這實際上是《大街》的主導思想。

Extra classrooms were built out beside the main block . 大樓邊上又擴建了一些教室。

They decided topics peripheral to the main theme 他們確定了圍繞中心議題的小題目。

The duct that drains the entire gland is the main duct . 整個腺體的導管稱主導管。

The snowy main peak towers above all the others . 白雪皚皚的主峰高聳在群巒之上。

The decision had two main grounds . 這項決定有兩大理由。

By the time the main bout came on . 這時,壓軸賽上場了。

He walked into the busy main lobby of a hotel . 他走進一家旅館的熙熙攘攘的大廳。

Lactose is the main carbohydrate occurring in milk . 乳糖是乳的主要碳水化合物。

Please brief us on the main points to be studied . 請把學習重點向大家提示一下。

The main girders support i-section transverse ribs . 主梁支承著工字梁的橫向肋。

The main theme is the repression of cattle stealing . 主要精神是鎮壓盜竊牲畜。

The pontalba lounge was on the hotel's main floor . 旁塔爾酒吧位于飯店的底層。

This is the first main crux of dynamic theory . 這是動態學說第一個主要的難題。