mahayana n.〔梵語〕 【佛教】大乘,摩訶衍。
n. 〔梵語〕 【佛教】大乘,摩訶衍。 “mahayana buddhism“ 中文翻譯: 大乘佛教“mahayana byddhism“ 中文翻譯: 大乘佛教“mahayana sastra“ 中文翻譯: 大乘論“mahayana sutra“ 中文翻譯: 大乘經“mahayana vinaya“ 中文翻譯: 大乘律“mahayana-sutralamkara“ 中文翻譯: 大乘莊嚴經論“awakening faith of mahayana“ 中文翻譯: 大乘起信論“awakening of mahayana faith“ 中文翻譯: 大乘起信論“essay on the meaning of mahayana“ 中文翻譯: 大乘義章“explanation of the treatise on mahayana“ 中文翻譯: 釋摩訶衍論“mahayana-samuparigraha-sastra“ 中文翻譯: 大乘論“ornament of the mahayana sutras“ 中文翻譯: 大乘莊嚴經論“sublime continuum of the mahayana“ 中文翻譯: 究竟一乘寶性論“mahayag“ 中文翻譯: 馬哈亞格“mahay“ 中文翻譯: 馬艾“mahaxay“ 中文翻譯: 馬哈賽“mahaxa“ 中文翻譯: 馬哈賽“mahawiyah al“ 中文翻譯: 邁哈維耶
mahdi |
In this paper , it is the first time to publish four pieces fragments of arya - aparmanitayurjnana - nama - mahayana sutra in ancient uygur , discovered in the northern divison of mogaoku cave in dunhuang . based on the transcription in chinese , the author puts forward his opinion on the problems on the edition , the way and the year of the translation of the buddhist sutra 本文首次刊布敦煌莫高窟北區出土的四件回鶻文《大乘無量壽經》殘頁,對回鶻文原文進行拉丁字母轉寫、漢譯和注釋,附漢文原文,并對殘頁的成書年代、版本和翻譯方式等問題提出自己的看法。 |
Professor ji visited the chinese university of hong kong in 1987 on an invitation from the art museum to participate in the symposium and exhibition on dunhuang and turfan studies where he presented an academic paper . he visited the chinese university again in 1988 and enlightened students and faculty by his lectures on tocharian a maitreyasamiti - nataka script and mahayana buddhism 季教授曾于一九八七及一九八八年訪問香港中文大學,出席文物館舉辦的國際敦煌吐魯番學術會議及文物展覽,主持講座及宣讀論文,并不斷提供寶貴意見,對大學的學術發展,貢獻良多。 |
For centuries , kuan yin has epitomized the great ideal of mahayana buddhism in her role as “ bodhisattva ( chinese “ p ' u - sa ) - - literally “ a being of bodhi , or enlightenment , “ who is destined to become a buddha but has foregone the bliss of nirvana with a vow to save all children of god 數世紀以來,觀音以她的菩薩(漢語菩-薩)角色已經成為大乘佛教偉大觀念的縮影? “意思是菩提樹或啟迪的存在” ,她是過去佛,只是已經預先知道了天堂的祝福而發愿拯救所有上帝的孩子。 |
Yuantong temple , teach call that the north spreads the to teach again from the mahayana , the seat of honor a teach be so called the hinayana to teach and hides to spread the palace of that buddhism is also a teach the three greatest religious sections to constitute , with the mahayana buddhism for lord 圓通寺,由大乘佛教又稱北傳佛教上座部佛教俗稱小乘佛教和藏傳佛教也就是喇嘛教三大教派的佛殿組成,以大乘佛教為主。 |
Desiring to return to classical mahayana universalism , the tantric reformers protested against ecclesiastical privilege and arid scholasticism and sought to forge a religious system that was more widely accessible and socially inclusive 對回歸古典大乘普遍主義的渴望,坦陀羅改革者主張反對教會特權和煩瑣的哲學,以及尋求一種偽造的宗教體系,那包括了更加廣泛的易接近性和更加入世。 |
Known as an incomparable spiritual path in mahayana , the vajra vehicle in tantra features unnumbered convenient methods for those who posess extraordinary positive karmas with it to elevate into the buddha state through direct and accurate meditation 密宗金剛乘,是一個無與倫比的大乘法門,其特征主要是殊勝的方便琳瑯滿目,它可使具備殊勝因緣者,直接觀修如來境界。 |
Maha mudra for practice . the teaching of maha mudra is the all - encompassing teaching of lord buddha - theravada , mahayana , vajrayana . the essence of all of it is taught in maha mudra , all taught as maha mudra , and practiced as maha mudra 大手印的教法包含所有佛陀的法教,包含上座部大乘以及金剛乘,它們的精要都在大手印中,如大手印般教授,如大手印般修持。 |
Now that mahayana buddhism has disappeared from india , newar buddhism found in kathmandu valley represents one of the few tradition in the world which has retained features inherited directly from india 而今大乘佛教已經在印度消失,但在加德滿都的村落里面,尼瓦佛教被發現在這世上少數能夠直接承自印度佛教的特色,并能維持到現在。 |
He points out that the ghost mother deity appears in the cave as a pictorial representation exemplifying the thought ( fangbian shuofa ) in the fahua sutra , and it was intended to proclaim the mahayana vehicle 并指出,鬼子母故事題材在石窟中是作為《法華經》方便說法思想意圖表現的,意在宣揚大乘佛法。 |
Prior to the tang dynasty , classics of mahayana advocate the communication of six senses and shurangrma sutra elaborates a lot on this body philosophy 摘要唐前中國傳統觀念是五官各司其職,大乘佛教諸經論主張“六根互用” , 《楞嚴經》對此身體哲學尤有發揮。 |
Note : receipt will be issued for all donations . mahayana buddhist association is a government - registered non - profit - making organisation . all donations made are tax - deductible 注:本會屬政府注冊的慈善團體,所有捐款均會發出收據并可扣除稅項。 |
One should not forget that newar buddhism possesses quite a number of indigenous elements , which are not to be found in indian mahayana buddhism 我們記得尼瓦佛教具有相當的地方性色彩的特色,而這些并未在印度的大乘佛教發現過的。 |
Khen rinpoche geshe lobsang tharchin is also the founder of the mahayana sutra and tantra center , which has branches in new jersey and washington , dc 仁波切同時也是大乘顯密佛教中心的創辦人在首都華盛頓及新澤西皆有其分會。 |
Tantric buddhism arose when mahayana buddhism was enjoying a period of great philosophical productivity and intellectual influence 佛教的坦陀羅是由大乘佛教激發,享有一個偉大的哲學盛產時期,影響著知識分子。 |
For example , in the buddhist tradition , the monks of the mahayana eat vegetarian at least , and they are unmarried 比方說,依照佛教的傳統,大乘佛教的和尚,他們至少是吃素的,而且不結婚。 |
Newar buddhists describe their structure of religion as integrative in the nature of shravaka , mahayana and vijrayana traditions 我們將以三乘佛教來描述整體尼瓦佛教的宗教結構。 |
The idea of contributing to universal salvation is a mahayana ideal , but what about the merits of suffering 參預普遍的救渡是大乘佛法的理念,然而苦難的價值又當何解 |
There are many references to stupas for the buddha and arahats throughout the entire mahayana literature 在整個大乘文獻中,有很多關于佛陀和阿羅漢浮圖的參考資料。 |
Ever since then , the monks of the temple became vegetarians and began to believe in mahayana buddhism 從此,全寺和尚不再吃肉并改信大乘佛教。 |