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magnetic needle 磁針,指南針。

magnetic north

He broke into the long easy lope , and went on , hour after hour , never at loss for the tangled way , heading straight home through strange country with a certitude of direction that put man and his magnetic needle to shame 他突然輕快地奔馳起來,一小時接一小時地跑,從沒因路徑的錯綜復雜而迷路,他越過陌生的地帶,一直朝家跑回去,方向準確得都要令人類及其羅盤針自愧不如。

Prevention and treatment of 38 cases of supraventricular arrthythmia with acupuncture therapy of magnetic needle at neiguan point 磁性皮內針內關穴防治室上性心律失常38例

Square frame of magnetic needle 方框羅針

Exerimental study of magnetic needle to prevent and treat prostate hyperplasia 磁極針對前列腺增生防治作用的實驗研究

Magnetic needle tells you what s going on in the sun , the stars 磁針告訴你,太陽和星體正發生著什么事。

Do you know who invent magnetic needle 你知道指南針是誰發明的嗎?