uploads/magic lantern.jpg

magic lantern 幻燈。

magic nucleus

Yes , yes , there are they ; there are the cheating forms that excited torments and ecstasies in me , he said to himself , going over in imagination the chief pictures of the magic lantern of his life , looking at them now in the cold , white daylight of a clear view of death “是的,是的,這就是曾經使我激動和贊賞并且折磨過我的那些虛幻的形象, ”他自言自語,在想象中一一再現他的人生魔燈中的主要畫面。此時是在白晝的寒光中,在清楚地意識到死亡的時刻觀看這些畫面,這就是那些曾經認為美麗和神秘的拙劣粗糙的畫像。

He descended , or rather seemed to descend , several steps , inhaling the fresh and balmy air , like that which may be supposed to reign around the grotto of circe , formed from such perfumes as set the mind a dreaming , and such fires as burn the very senses ; and he saw again all he had seen before his sleep , from sinbad , his singular host , to ali , the mute attendant ; then all seemed to fade away and become confused before his eyes , like the last shadows of the magic lantern before it is extinguished , and he was again in the chamber of statues , lighted only by one of those pale and antique lamps which watch in the dead of the night over the sleep of pleasure 他向下走了幾步,或說得更確切些,是覺得向下走了幾步,一邊走,一邊吸著清新芳香的空氣,好似到了那香得令人心醉暖得令人神迷的塞茜的魔窟里一樣,他又看到了睡覺以前所見的一切,從辛巴德他那古怪的東道主,到阿里那啞巴奴仆。然后一切似乎都在他的眼前漸漸地逝去了,漸漸地模糊了,象一盞昏黃的古色古香的油燈,只有這盞燈在夜的死一般的靜寂里守護著人們的睡眠或安寧。

According to this theory , the image was made with the aid of a magic lantern , a simple projecting device , or by means of a camera obscura and light - sensitive silver compounds applied to the cloth 依照這個理論,這個圖像是借助于早期放映機的幫助,一種簡單的突出設備,或者利用暗箱和光敏感鍍銀混合物運用于布料上面。

His whole life seemed to him like a magic lantern , at which he had been looking through the glass and by artificial light 他覺得整個人生有如一盞魔燈,長期以來,他透過玻璃,借助人工的照明來看魔燈里的東西。

Mom : it ' s a magic lantern 媽媽:它是一盞神燈。

Chen xiang : mom , how this could be a magic lantern 沉香:媽媽,它為什么是盞神燈呢