
madge n.瑪奇〔女子名, Margaret 的昵稱〕。


Madge wildfire was not so absolutely void of common sense as not to understand this innuendo 瑪吉?野火的常識不會欠缺到領會不了這個暗示。

Let ' s ask madge . - stay there -拜拜嚎-痙

“ look here , madge , “ i said , “ you can ' t turn me out just like that . “聽著,瑪奇, “我說, “你不能就這樣把我攆走。

Madge : before the store opened 在商店開門前。

Madge : do you think me new outfit will go out of style quickly 你覺得我的這套新裝備會很快過時嗎?

Madge took levitt's advice, retreating as fast as she could, and dragging jeanie along with her into a sort of recess . 瑪吉聽從萊維特的勸告,盡快地拉著珍妮走進一個跟耳房差不多的地方。

Madge then stripped off the coarse ordinary shoes which she wore, and replaced them by a pair of dirty satin ones . 接著,瑪古又脫掉那雙家常穿的粗布鞋,換上一雙骯臟的鍛子鞋。

Madge was singing when they enteredsinging her own wild snatches of songs and obsolete air . 他們進去的時候,瑪吉正在唱歌,唱著那些狂野的歌曲和片斷和一些陳舊的曲調。

She purposedly coloured her wish to mr. archibald by saying that she had seen madge formerly . 她故意對阿奇博爾德先生強調她的愿望,說她以前曾見到過瑪吉。

Madge wildfire, who, among other indications of insanity, had a most overweening opinion of those charms . 瑪吉雖說瘋瘋顛顛,卻還特別愛個俊俏。

Madge wildfire was not so absolutely void of common sense as not to understand this innuendo . 瑪吉野火的常識不會欠缺到領會不了這個暗示。

Madge stood up to direct him . 瑪奇站起身來給他指路。

Then madge remembered something . 馬奇終于回憶起一鱗半爪來了。