
madden vt.使發狂;使大怒。vi.〔罕用語〕發狂。


The sweet meaty taste , thin and elusive almost as a memory , maddened him 香甜的肉味,像是模模糊糊的回憶,難以捉摸,使他發狂。

Madden , t . lenehan , very sad for a racinghorse he fancied and stephen d . leop 利奧波布盧姆原為解乏而來,現已略恢復元氣。

How maddening to have your younger brother tower over you , at his age , too 你弟弟小小的年齡竟高出你一大截,真令人惱火!

And madam bloom , mr o madden burke added . the vocal muse “還有布盧姆夫人, ”奧馬登伯克先生加上一句, “聲樂女神。

If everyone else also finds him maddening , the answer is yes 如果其他所有人也發現他令人生氣,那么答案就是肯定的。

And the same was true of the poetry he read which maddened him with delight 讀詩時也一樣,盡管詩歌叫他如醉如癡。

The delays maddened him 一再的延誤讓他生氣。

What do you say , cohen ? first up , madden football 你有什么話說? cohen第一件事玩madden football ( ea一款游戲)

The box has been spitting forth maddening nine - second sound bites 電視機已經整整吐放了九秒鐘令人瘋狂的插播。

It was captain richard madden 是理查德?馬登上尉。

It is a maddening problem . we had to try every kind of foreplay 這真是件令人發狂的事,我們嘗試了各種前戲

And maintained its tenacious grip , almost maddening me with fear 而且還是緊緊抓住我,簡直要把我嚇瘋了。

I am nearly maddened by the deafening noise of firecrackers 聽著震耳欲聾的爆竹聲我煩躁得幾乎要發瘋了。

We can all supply mental pabulum , mr o madden burke said “咱們都能提供精神食糧, ”奧馬登伯克先生說。

So , ' e was keen ? - oh , letty , he was in a maddened condition 他真的很饑渴? -哦,萊蒂,他已經發狂了

- so , ' e was keen ? - oh , letty , he was in a maddened condition -他真的很饑渴? -哦,萊蒂,他已經發狂了

The box has spat forth maddening nine - second sound bite 電視機已經整整吐放了九秒鐘令人瘋狂的插播。

Most maddening of all is amanda 最最讓人受不了的是阿曼達。

“ well , you re growing maddening ! “總之,你們兩人真討厭! ”