
madagascar n.1.馬達加斯加〔非洲,馬爾加什共和國的簡稱〕。2.馬...


I believe that the new investors who go to madagascar can easily become members of our beautiful country . 相信新的投資者將會更加容易成為這個美麗的國家的一員。

Hen i leave the embassy , mr . feno shows me how to play a unique game of chess from madagascar 在我離開大使館時,費諾先生還教我如何下棋,一種馬國特有的礦石棋。

Climatological information for kenya , madagascar , malawi , mauritius , seychelles and tanzania 肯尼亞、坦桑尼亞、馬拉維、馬達加斯加、塞舌爾及毛里求斯氣候資料

Madagascar has cut its rate by forty - one percent ; sao tome and principe by nearly half 馬達加斯加將兒童死亡率降低了41 % ;圣多美與普林西比共和國降低了接近50 % 。

Madagascar has cut its rate by forty - one percent ; sao tome and principe by nearly half 馬達加斯加將兒童死亡率減殺了41 % ,圣多美和普林西比減少了將近一半。

Climatological information for kenya , madagascar , malawi , mauritius , seychelles and tanzania 肯尼亞坦桑尼亞馬拉維馬達加斯加塞舌爾及毛里求斯氣候資料

She s been at madagascar , and a malabar , and surinam , and providence , and portobello 它到達過馬達加斯加,還有馬拉巴,還有蘇里南普羅維登斯坡托伯羅。

Climatological information for kenya , madagascar , malawi , mauritius , seychelles and tanzania 肯尼亞、坦桑尼亞、馬拉維、馬達加斯加、塞舌爾及毛里求斯

Madagascar has cut its rate by forty - one percent ; sao tome and principe by nearly half 馬達加斯加將兒童死亡率降低了41 % , s和普林斯比降低了近一半。

Say i want to place some pictures of a gorgeous madagascar rosewood guitar on my web site 我把馬達加斯加島紅木吉他的一些美麗圖片放到我的web站點。

Rubellites are mainly found in brazil , madagascar , mozambique , nigeria and pakistan 其主要的產地是在巴西馬達加斯加莫桑比克尼日利亞和巴基斯坦,

Madagascar has cut its rate by forty - one percent ; sao tome and principe by nearly half 馬達加斯加島降低了51 % ,圣淘莎和普林西比島降低了幾乎一半。

Climatological information for kenya , madagascar , malawi , mauritius , seychelles and tanzania 肯尼亞坦桑尼亞馬拉維馬達加斯加塞舌爾及毛里求斯

Two men gaze into the azure waters of lake tritiva near antisirabe , madagascar 在馬達加斯加的安齊拉貝附近,兩名男子凝視著碧藍色的翠體瓦湖水。

Madagascar had cut its rate by 41 % , s and p ( sao tome and principe ) by nearly half 馬達加斯加將其比例降低了41 % ,圣多美及普林西比降了近一半。

Madagascar has cut its rate by forty - one percent ; sao tome and principe by nearly half 馬達加斯加降低了41 ,圣多美和普林西比下降了近一半。

It remains a place of worship to which pilgrims come from madagascar and elsewhere 藍山也一直是馬達加斯加和世界各地朝圣者前往朝拜的地方。

Ellis s three trips to madagascar brown cloth , title obliterated 埃利斯:三游馬達加斯加220褐色布面精裝,書名磨損,無法辨認。

A : the tickets to madagascar are half price until tomorrow . we ' ve always wanted to go 到馬加斯的半價只賣明天。我一直去那兒。