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mad cow disease 【獸醫】瘋牛病〔牛染上此病,其肉食之對人體有害〕。

mad minute

The discovery of just one cow affected by mad cow disease in the usa resulted in the importation of us beef being banned in some countries such as japan and korea , and in turn a shortage of beef in many restaurants . another example of how recent scares can disrupt food supplies out of all proportion to expert assessment of risk 但已造成一些國家例如日本和韓國禁止美國牛肉輸入,導致許多餐廳里的牛肉缺乏,這是另外一個例子告訴我們盡管有許多食物風險的專家評估,這些最近嚇人的報導還是可能使食物供應中斷。

On the control of bovine spongiform encephalopathy ( bse ) ( also known as “ mad cow disease “ ) , special health attestation is required for countries with bse , taking reference from recommendations by international authorities including the world health organisation ( who ) and the world organisation for animal health ( oie ) . the principle is that the bse agent should be prevented from entering the human food chain 防范牛海綿體腦病(或稱瘋牛癥)方面,我們以防止瘋牛癥的致病媒介進入人類的食物鏈為原則,并參考世界?生組織和國際獸疫局等國際權威機構的建議,規定發生瘋牛癥個案的國家須額外提供特別的?生證明。

Pat oliphant ' s cartoon melds two current concerns prominent in us newspapers . at one level it plays wittily on the theme of bovine spongiform encephalopathy , the dreaded “ mad cow disease “ recently detected in the carcass of a slaughtered dairy cow from washington state unless , as is now suspected , it actually originated in alberta 一方面,漫畫巧妙地提到了最近從華盛頓州宰殺的牛體中檢測出來的牛腦海綿體病,也就是可怕的瘋牛病除非該病真是如所懷疑的那樣起源于加拿大的阿爾伯塔否則就是源于華盛頓州了。

In the past two or three years , many animal diseases have occurred : for example , the recent mad cow disease in europe and america , the foot - and - mouth disease of pigs in formosa last year , pseudorabies of hog herds in indiana , usa last year , and the bird flu of poultry in hong kong . last october , the united states was affected by the poisonous pfiesteria piscicida and countless cows , pigs , chickens , and fish either died or were killed 這兩三年來,先是歐美的瘋牛癥,福爾摩沙去年豬的口蹄疫病,及美國去年印地安那州部分豬群感染狂犬病,香港的雞傳染的禽流感病,而去年10月美國也受此紅潮單細胞原蟲pfiesteria piscicida產生的毒素影響甚巨,而為此被殺的牛豬雞及死去的魚,無以計數,令人心驚!

In recent years , threatened by the so - called “ mad cow disease , “ the chicken plague in hong kong , and other cases of livestock and poultry contamination , people have become more alert and aware of the severe problem of parasites , bacteria , and viral infection 近年來由于肉食品受瘋牛病香港雞瘟等感染的影響,人們對寄生蟲細菌病毒微生物等肆虐的問題,越來越重視,并且越來越多人以安全營養健康的素食來取代肉食,使素食不僅是時代的風尚,更是一種覺醒。

Christmas day in the us was not marred by a terrorist attack on an airliner or some other politically inspired horror . instead surprised americans woke to their first confirmed case of “ bovine spongiform encephalopathy “ , more commonly known as mad cow disease 今年美國的圣誕節并沒有被恐怖分子襲擊飛機或是其他政治性恐慌所破壞,但是,驚訝的美國人看到了自己國家第一例確認的牛腦海綿體病bse ,更通俗的叫法就是瘋牛病。

One of the items on which afcd intends to impose this proposed requirement is meat - and - bone meal derived wholly or in part from ruminants . this material was the source of bovine spongiform encephalopathy ( mad cow disease ) in the eu when fed back to cattle 漁護署擬引用建議規定加以管制的其中一項物品,是完全或部分衍生自反芻動物的肉骨粉,歐盟國家使用這種物品來喂飼牛只,被公認為傳播瘋牛癥的主要來源。

French authorities recently seized 100 , 000 bottles of wine , which had been “ purified “ with dried slaughterhouse blood . they also seized one ton of dried blood . the reason for the seizure was the risk of consumers contracting “ mad cow disease “ from the wine 法國有關單位最近扣押了十萬瓶的酒和一噸的乾血,其理由是因為這些酒在釀造時曾使用來自屠宰場的乾血加以純化,而消費者可能會因此染上瘋牛癥。

Besides heart - related issues , worries about contracting the human form of mad cow disease bovine spongiform encephalopathy from tainted beef have also arisen in recent years , adding to the reduction in red meat consumption 除了心血管疾病外,近年來,人們更是擔憂因攝取遭感染的牛肉而染上人類型瘋牛癥醫學上稱為牛腦部海綿化癥bovine spongiform encephalopathy ,因而造成牛肉的消費量大幅減少。

If a drug could be made that inhibits this fragmentation process , it could substantially slow the spread of prions , which cause mad cow disease and scrapie in animals and , in rare cases , creutzfeldt - jacob disease and kuru in humans 藥物可阻滯這些蛋白裂解片段過程,從而持久的減慢朊病毒傳播,包括瘋牛病和綿羊瘋癢病和一些人類罕見疾病克-雅二氏病和庫魯病等疾病的傳播。

Whilst cases of mad cow disease will still surface from time to time as a result of past practices , the elimination of animal parts from livestock feed appears to have reduced the number of new cases occurring very significantly 雖然狂牛病的情形將會因為過去的錯誤實施而偶爾出現。減少以動物殘骸來當家畜類的飼料,已經大量地減少新的案例發生的次數。

Despite consumer fears in north asia about possible bovine spongiform encephalopathy , more commonly known as mad cow disease , american beef is returning to shops and restaurants in this region with ceremonial flourish 雖然北亞消費者擔心可能的牛海綿狀腦病俗稱瘋牛病.美國的牛肉非常興盛的回到商店和餐館

Many livestock producers have been wary of ( 5 ) a tracking system , which the government promised to create after the nation ' s first case of mad cow disease two years ago in washington state 兩年前在華盛頓發現了第一例瘋牛病后,政府就決定啟用跟蹤系統,這使很多家畜生產商感到壓力。

The easing of restrictions on spinal cord beef comes as the eu plans to allow the export of british beef , which was banned in 1996 following the outbreak of mad cow disease 骨髓牛肉限制的松綁,在歐盟計劃允許英國牛肉出口之際出現,在一九九六年狂牛癥爆發后,英國牛肉遭禁止出口。

The impact of mad cow disease in europe , usa and japan resulted in more stringent testing of cattle and the banning of the practice of feeding cattle remains to livestock 狂牛病對歐洲,美國和日本的沖擊,造成對牛測試更加的迫切,而且更嚴格的禁止以動物尸體來喂養家畜類。

Mad cow disease is believed to have spread from britain to other countries when the bones and other remains of diseased cattle were ground up for use in livestock feed 由于病牛的骸骨和病牛的殘骸成為生物飼料中的主要構成成分,瘋牛病被認為已經從英國蔓延到其他國家。

Tokyo : a cow identified by japanese experts as having mad cow disease has a new form of the ailment , farming minister yoshiyuki kamei told reporters yesterday 東京:日本農業部長龜井善之十月七日向記者透露,日本專家確認被鑒定的瘋牛病病牛患有的是一種新型瘋牛病。

Unlike britons , whose concerns about what they eat have been on the rise ever since “ mad cow disease “ ( even though it had nothing to do with genetic engineering ) 自從發生了“瘋牛病” (盡管它與基因工程毫無關聯) ,英國人對食品(安全)的關注度持續上升。

Two cases of mad cow disease in texas and alabama seem to have resulted from a mysterious strain that could appear spontaneously in cattle , researchers say 研究者認為瘋牛癥會很自然地發生在兩神秘品種只要找出這品種就不必像80年代英國全面撲殺所有牛群