
machinery n.1.〔集合詞〕機器,機械;機件;(機器的)運轉部分。...


Constant passage of machinery over the same area compacts the soil and limits the development of roots . 機械經常在相同地帶內通過,會將土壤壓緊并限制根系的發育。

When the delicate and unconscious machinery of race relations slips, there will be murder again . 只要那精密的,無意識的種族關系機器一出故障,就會再次發生兇殺。

It extracted a full measure of suspense and horror from the conventional machinery of gothic . 它繼承了哥特式小說的傳統手法,吸取了其制造懸念和恐怖的全部技巧。

The church was crowded , so electrical machinery was used to relay the service out to the people . 教堂里擠滿了人,所以就用電機設備把禮拜儀式向外面的人轉播。

The capacity of the bins should be such that two bins could be handled at one time by the fork-lift machinery . 箱子的容量應以鏟車一次能搬運兩個箱子為原則。

The party machinery was relentlessly settling accounts with the opponents of years of political struggles . 黨的機器在無情地同許多年來政治斗爭的宿敵算總帳。

Dynamic loading is produced by seismic forces, non-steady wind, blast, reciprocating machinery . 動荷載是由于地震力、不穩定的風、沖擊波,往復式機器所產生。

To be helpful to the president the machinery for making decisions must therefore meet several criteria . 為了要能對總統有所幫助,決策機構必須符合幾條標準。

Farm machinery and chemicals, transport and storage have developed both in size and technology . 農業機械與化學藥物,運輸和儲藏等都在規模與技術上得到發展。

A few small factories , using small and simple machines have been able to turn out parts for large machinery . 幾個小廠用螞蟻啃骨頭的辦法造出了大型機件。

The necessary conditions were lacking in antiquity for a development and utilization of machinery . 古代并沒有為發展及利用機器所必要的各種條件。

More investment spending implies the use of more sophisticated equipment and machinery . 更多的投資支出又意味著使用更加先進的機器和設備。

He has offered to accept payment for this machinery in the form buy-back of glass . 他已提出接受回購玻璃作為償付這些機械設備的付款方式。

The methods and machinery for preventing or terminating conflicts have taken many forms . 防止沖突和制止沖突的方法和機構采用了多種形式。

It would create machinery to keep the peace as it destroys the machinery of war . 它將一方面創設維持和平機構,另一方面消滅戰爭機構。

The fundamental changes in the machinery of war direction were more real than apparent . 作戰指揮機構的根本改變是重實際而不重表面。

Girt and panel segments were blown to the rear, damaging machinery on the way . 周邊及鑲板碎片被吹到后面,并把它所掃過的機械損毀。

Machinery slackened; throbbing feebly like a fainting pulse; stopped . 機器慢下來了;震動得象微弱的脈搏那樣無力;最后停止了。

The state department is simply not equipped to handle interdepartmental machinery . 國務院根本不具備駕馭部際機構的能力。