
macaque n.【動物;動物學】獼猴;短尾猴。


But while it is unlikely that people have a mental , smell - based map of their partners in the way that voles do , there are strong hints that the hormone pair have something to reveal about the nature of human love : among those of man ' s fellow primates that have been studied , monogamous marmosets have higher levels of vasopressin bound in the reward centres of their brains than do non - monogamous rhesus macaques 盡管與田鼠不一樣,人類不太可能有一張基于嗅覺的神經系統伴侶圖譜,但若干線索已有力說明,這兩種荷爾蒙能揭示一些人類戀愛的本質在已被研究過的人類靈長目同伴之中,一夫一妻制小長尾猴的大腦獎賞中樞系統中,抗利尿激素水平較非一夫一妻制的恒河短尾猿高。

Using this as our base , the first day we go to hsitzuwan bay to swim and watch the sunset . at night you can stroll along the ai river and enjoy the evening scenery . early next day we head to takao hill to observe the macaque monkeys , and in the afternoon we visit the import shops at new chueh chiang and old chueh chiang 以此為基點,首日到西子灣游泳觀夕照,夜晚愛河邊散步賞夜景,隔日清晨上柴山觀獼猴,下午則到新舊堀江兩處舶來品商場購物,同時滿足愛好名牌與年輕品味的觀光客。

The report on hong kong macaques published by the world wide fund for nature hong kong in 1992 and a post graduate study from the hong kong university of science and technology in 1994 suggested that kowloon hills monkeys feed on 163 different plant species in the area 1992年世界自然基金會發表的香港獼猴報告及1994年香港科技大學的一位研究生研究報告指出獼猴在九龍山地區經常食用163種當地植物。

A probably growing proportion of individuals is unafraid of people and have adopted outlaw tactics to gain food from less obliging picnickers and residents . as a result , they have stirred up a fair amount of anti - macaque sentiment in the vicinity 似乎越來越多猴子對人類毫無懼意,估計數目更不斷增加,甚至以不同技倆巧拿取游人及居民的食物,也因而引起鄰近地區一片反獼猴的聲音。

Michael gumert of nanyang technological university in singapore made the discovery in a 20 - month investigation into 50 long - tailed macaques in kalimantan tengah , indonesia , new scientist reports on saturday 據《新科學家》周刊上周六報道,新加坡南洋理工大學的麥克爾?古莫爾特通過對印度尼西亞加里曼丹地區的50只長尾獼猴進行為期20個月的研究,得出以上結論。

Government buildings , temples and many residential neighborhoods of new delhi are overrun by an army of macaques . the monkeys scare passers - by , and occasionally bite or snatch food from unsuspecting visitors 新德里的政府大樓、寺廟與許多住宅區都遭大批獼猴蹂躪。這些猴子驚嚇行人,偶爾還會冷不防的從游客那里咬走或搶奪食物。

Tama zoo introduces the symbol animal s mode of life by focusing on the habits of japanese macaque ( snow monkey ) , chimpanzee and orangutan living in the zoo with photos and exposition panels 明年的干支是“申” ,公園內的日本猴、黑猩猩、猩猩的生活和行動的特寫鏡頭,還有照片和解說員將其真實狀態展現給大家。

Takao hill currently has 12 macaque troupes . their diet should consist mainly of plants , fruits , flowers , and various insects , but these days they ll eat anything , and their appetite for new things is growing 目前柴山有十二個獼猴族群,屬雜食性,原主食應為植物果實昆蟲等,但現在什么都吃,胃口越養越大。

Zhen zhibin , ben kunlong , tian baoping , zheng yongtang . 1992 serological survey for antibodies to simian type d retrovirus of macaque colony in china . journal of medical primatology . , 21 : 87 - 90 陳志斌、賁昆龍、田保平、鄭永唐1992中國猴群的猴d型逆轉病毒抗體的血清學調查。醫學靈長類學雜志, 21 : 87 90 。

Wwf hong kong has in the past helped reduce the gap by facilitating and supporting research into romer s tree frog , egrets and herons , macaques , bats and the chinese white dolphin 有見及此,世界自然基金會曾就盧文氏樹蛙鷺鳥獼猴蝙蝠及中華白海豚等物種進行研究,以搜集更多資料作為存護工作的依據。

Kumar ' s team used a recently developed method in genetic sequencing to make the most comprehensive comparison to date of genes from humans , chimps , macaque monkeys and rats 研究小組使用一種新近研發的基因排序方法對人類黑猩猩短尾猿和老鼠的基因進行了相關的研究。

They categorised facial dimensions such as the distance between the eyes , then recorded the electrical activity of one brain cell at a time while they showed cartoons to the macaques 接著,當他們將動畫展示給短尾猴看時,便記錄該區域中單個腦細胞每次電活動的情況。

The macaques at jigokudani and other spots in japan are living up to their bad rap , raiding orchards and gardens , taking apples , prize grapes , and other crops 地獄谷和其它地方的日本獼猴也還真是不負它們的壞名聲,侵襲果園和花園,偷走蘋果、葡萄和其它作物。

There has a comparison among the results of this paper to the rhesus macaque in other area in china , and showed that there were evident differences among them 研究結果還與有關材料進行了比較,表明太行山獼猴與國內其他地區的獼猴存在著明顯差異。

It may be called the jigokudani wild monkey park , but the japanese macaques here have taken up one of life ' s more civilized pleasures : hot tubbing 這里雖然名為“地獄谷野生猴園” ,但這里的日本獼猴已經開始享受生命中比較文明的樂趣:泡熱水澡。

The macaques infected with the coronavirus developed the disease and had features of the illness that were identical to those of sars patients who had died 感染了冠狀病毒的恒河猴發病了,其發病特征與已死亡的sars病人一致。

Rhesus macaques in the kowloon hills area were not descendents of the origional wild stock but released during the first world war time 九山一帶就因為聚居了這些野生?猴而廣為人所熟識,假日吸引大量人們到馬騮山觀賞野生?猴。

This result is well consistent with that found in senescent macaque monkeys , indicating a universal neural change with age 這與在老年猴發現的結果一致,表明隨年齡增加視皮層細胞出現功能衰退可能是一種普遍的現象。

Scientists have attempted to clone rhesus macaques , but none of the resulting embryos survived implantation in a surrogate mother 科學家曾經嘗試要復制恒河猴,但是所獲得的胚胎在植入代理孕母體內后無一存活。