
lyrical adj.=lyric (a.). become lyri...


“ they are works of art in their own right , “ said the castle ' s heritage manager nic fulcher , waxing lyrical over the collection of 160 dog collars through the ages 城堡遺產經理nic fulcher贊美這160個來自不同年代的狗項圈說: “它們也是藝術品。 ”

“ they are works of art in their own right , “ said the castle s heritage manager nic fulcher , waxing lyrical over the collection of 160 dog collars through the ages 城堡遺產經理nic fulcher贊美這160個來自不同年代的狗項圈說: “它們也是藝術品。 ”

Only then language accurate concise , clear smooth , vivid humorous , lyrical , rich inspirational language teacher , is a qualified language teacher 只有語言準確凝練、清楚流暢、生動幽默、充滿感情、富有啟發性的語文教師,才是一個合格的語文老師。

Work surviving from that period includes prose sagas , historical and legal material , commentaries on biblical texts and lyrical and devotional poetry 從那個時期流傳下來的作品包括散文薩迦,歷史與法律資料,圣經文本評注,和抒情詩與禱告詩。

1971 . in their work , lines of satire and dark comedy cross with a lyrical sensibility to produce a disturbing vision of contemporary ireland 在他們的作品中,字里行間的諷刺和黑色幽默穿插于愉快的感情描寫中,描繪出當代愛爾蘭的不安景象。

“ br weinasixi restaurant moving faster , the office of inter - lyrical beauty with her romantic feelings with you and do things in the west point venus 維納斯西餐廳動人韻律中典雅廳所間抒情的您與深情的她浪漫情懷和精致西點盡在維納斯!

Coleridge was esteemed by some of his contemporaries and is generally recognized today as a lyrical poet and literary critic of the first rank 科勒律治被同時期的詩界所尊崇,直至今日也被奉為第一流的抒情詩人與文學評論家。

He won the nobel prize for literature in 1995 for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth , which exalt everyday miracles and the living past 黑倪現居于都柏林及為美國哈佛大學駐校詩人。他在一九九五年獲頒諾貝爾文學獎。

Its tone is so rich and mellow , and at the hands of a real artist , the sound it produces can be so lyrical and enchanting 我真正喜歡的是你們的二胡,音調如此渾厚、柔和,經真正的藝術家之手,演奏出的樂曲真是優美、動聽。

Earlier this season wenger waxed lyrical about martins in the arsenal match - day programme when united were in north london in november 在這個賽季的早些時候,準確說是11月份的時候,溫格曾經對馬丁斯很感興趣。

Capturing the hearts of many with their expressive and lyrical music , they are still fondly remembered by their devotees 五位歌手雖已作古多時,但他們留下的金曲至今歷久彌新,大家依然瑯瑯上口。

Filmed in the streets of amsterdam for three months , it results in a lyrical impression of a rain shower in the city 這部電影拍攝于阿姆斯特丹街頭,歷時三個月,為人們帶來了一幅詩意的城市雨景。

His richly coloured lyrical paintings depict objects and people in unusual juxtapositions , often floating in space 他的色彩斑斕的抒情油畫將人物和事物不同尋常地加以并置,并經常漂浮在空中。

“ a highly musical player , her fluent jazz piano is a perfect foil to her lyrical and gentle vocal delivery 她的爵士鋼琴手法流暢,完美地襯托出她溫柔抒情的歌聲。毫無疑問是樂壇一大發現。

Still , by comparison , the sai kung peninsula boasts more untouched , lyrical beauty along its coasts and in its uplands 西貢的郊野壯偉迷人,景致萬千,在香港眾多的風光中,足以傲視同群。

“ for his important achievement both in contemporary lyrical poetry and in the field of the great russian epic tradition 在當代抒情詩和俄國的史詩傳統上,他都獲得了極為重大的成就

This cd is a veritable feast of alluring sounds , ranging from the eloquent and lyrical to the flamboyant and percussive “ .對演奏家劉芳來講,她的音樂也表現在音與音之間的停頓上. .

“ for his lyrical poetry , which with classical fire expresses the tragic experience of life in our own times 由于他的抒情詩,以古典的火焰表達了我們這個時代中,生命的悲劇性體驗

“ for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth , which exalt everyday miracles and the living past 由于其作品洋溢著抒情之美,包容著深邃的倫理,揭示出日常生活和現實歷史的奇跡