
lynd n.林德〔姓氏〕。


The vale was known in former times as the forest of white hart , from a curious legend of king henry iii s reign , in which the killing by a certain thomas de la lynd of a beautiful white hart which the king had run down and spared , was made the occasion of a heavy fine 在從前的時代里,這個谷被叫作白鹿苑。名字來自國王亨利三世治下的一段離奇傳說。據說國王追上了一只美麗的白鹿后把它放了,卻被一個名叫托瑪斯德拉林的人把白鹿殺了,因此他被國王處罰了一大筆罰金。

Vesper lynd : there are dinner jackets and then there are dinner jackets ; this is the latter . and i need you to look like a man who belongs at that table 有普通外套以及其他外套,這是后者我需要你看來像一個屬于賭桌的男人。

Vesper lynd : if the only thing left of you was your smile and your little finger , you ' d still be more of a man than anyone i ' ve ever met 如果你只剩下你的笑容和你的小指,你仍然會是我遇過最好的男人。

Vesper lynd : am i going to have a problem with you , mr . bond 我和你相處會有問題嗎,邦先生?

Lynd stretched out in front of the fire 林德手腳伸展著躺在火爐前面。