
luthier n.弦樂器工匠。


At one point during my holiday , i found myself driving around in the hot sun over country roads with two luthiers whom i had befriended : they were taking me on the rounds , introducing me to other builders whose shops could be found in the lush , verdant hills and along the palm - littered coastline of the western - most region of the island 有兩位和我已經成為好友的當地制琴師,一直陪著我在炎熱的大太陽下到處尋找和引見其它的制琴師,有的工作室位在青翠的山里,有的住在島上西部棕櫚雜陳的海岸線上。

That is , some of the parts are made by the apprentices , and officers , ( those parts cannot be wrong because they are made in molds , using templates , etc . ) . the assembly and closing of the guitar is made by a master luthier 于是,一些零件由學徒或者技師生產,這部分零件不會出錯因為他們由石板等制成的模具制作,然后組裝完成這些吉他由高級琴師來完成。

His mother , pilar ferrer , is one of the daughters of eduardo ferrer , whose lineage goes back to benito ferrer ( 1845 - 1925 ) , the founder of the granada school , and the luthier who made segovia ' s first guitar 他的母親比拉赫.菲雷爾是厄瓜爾多.菲雷爾的女兒,其血統可以追溯到格那納達學派的創始人本尼托菲雷爾,他為塞戈維亞制作了第一把吉他。

Typically , we find that artisan guitars or master luthier guitars are signed and dated . in contrast , “ estudio “ , production ( factory ) and apprentice guitars are not normally signed and dated 一般我們知道著名制琴師的作品都有自己的簽名和日期。而相對于工廠化的產品和學徒的作品一般都不署名也不標記完成時間。

I dare say that the ability to be a good luthier , or a great luthier , is within you , but i must point out that you have to find the technique to develop that ability 我可以大膽地說要成為一位好的制琴家,或者一位偉大制琴家的能力,就在你里面,但我必須指出你自己得找出發展出這種能力的技巧。

Guitar element , which specifies a luthier that s a guitar maker for each guitar . i already discussed the use of the 元素,它對每個吉他都指定了一個弦樂器制作匠(吉他制造者) 。

Although he is among the most renowned luthiers in spain , he is a very shy and modest man 雖然作為吉他制作家他在西班牙已經極富盛名了,但他本人卻是非常的靦腆和謙遜。

A number of his colleagues rate him as perhaps the greatest living luthier working outside europe today 還有很多制琴師評論他或許是現存在歐洲以外作琴中最偉大的制琴家。

Most of the master luthiers owners of these shops sign all the guitars produced by his or her shop 大部分這種琴的制作者或者商店老板在所有的親上簽上他們的名字。

Today , no such guilds exist , only voluntary luthiers ' associations and workers ' unions 現在已經沒有這種組織了,只有一些自愿組織起來的制琴師團體和一些工匠組織。

Instead , i will give you a brief summary of what i believe it takes to be a luthier 相反地,我將給你們一些我相信成為一位制琴家要具備的簡單摘要。

This guitars are as good as the ones made by the luthier alone , or almost as good 這種吉他和琴師獨自做得琴一樣好,至少差不了多少。

In these shops , guitars are made the same way they are made by a single luthier 在這種商店里吉他通過和個人作坊一樣的方式生產。

Yes , china has some good luthiers making handmade concert quality guitars 是的,中國現在有很多好琴師在制作手工演奏會琴。