
lute n.(14-17世紀時用的)古琵琶。 play the ...


When the men were returning home after david had killed the philistine , the women came out from all the towns of israel to meet king saul with singing and dancing , with joyful songs and with tambourines and lutes 6大衛打死了那非利士人,同眾人回來的時候,婦女們從以色列各城里出來,歡歡喜喜,打鼓擊磬,歌唱跳舞,迎接掃羅王。

When wu man arrived in new haven1 , connecticut , from beijing in 1990 she spoke no english and gambled on [ 1 ] surviving with ( a ) the help of her pipa , a traditional lute - like chinese instrument 1990年,吳曼從北京奔赴康涅狄格州紐黑文市的那會兒,一句英語也不會說,生存的希望完全寄托在她的琵琶(類似魯特琴的中國傳統樂器)上。

Four paintings , woman with a water pitcher ; woman with a red hat ; woman with a lute and woman with a balance , were due to be returned soon after september 16 when the exhibition ended 共有四幅油畫- 《擠奶女工》 , 《戴紅帽的女子》 , 《站在維吉那琴前的少婦》和《站在天平前的少婦》 -按計劃在9月16日展出結束后要歸還原主。

When wu man arrived in new haven , connecticut , from beijing in 1990 she spoke no english and gambled on surviving with the help of her pipa , a traditional lute - like chinese instrument 1990年,吳曼從北京奔赴康涅狄格州紐黑文市的那會兒,一句英語也不會說,生存的希望完全寄托在她的琵琶(類似魯特琴的中國傳統樂器)上。

It gives it that special oriental twang . “ otherwise it sounds much like a lute with something of the banjo s dryness and finger - picking technique but not that metallic 特別是在2004年6月29日在法國中部的圣弗勞倫斯大教堂里的演出,觀眾達800人以上,其中就有巴黎大劇院的藝術總監雅克誒爾文先生。

He is touched by the boys compassion and the two become friends regardless of their age difference . as a token of thanks , the old man teaches the boy to play the lute 溫暖的情誼使老人感到欣慰,兩人結為忘年之交;老人將琴藝傳授給他,作為回報與寄托。

The outstanding ink and wash technique and lute playing skills compel admiration from people of the east and west , and possess epoch - making significance 杰出的水墨技法與古琴技藝無不出自名家之手。折服無數中外人士。絕對可以作為劃時代的見證。

Looking at his teacher disappearing in the wilds , he plays the lute with tears . their friendship is as lofty as the mountains and as everlasting as the waters 少年遙望著恩師的身影消失在茫茫山野中,他流著淚彈奏著心中之曲,情誼比山高、似水長。

My friend , stop playing the lute of melancholy . the spring is calling in the branches ! what should be played is an mighty song of youth 朋友,莫再用纖纖柔指撥彈悲衰的七弦琴。春天已在枝頭召喚!這顫動的琴弦應震響著青春的強音。

In 2005 , got the second place of “ wenhua artist university prize ” , the second folk instrument performance competition in youth lute group 2005年,獲“文華藝術院校獎”第二屆民族樂器演奏比賽琵琶青年組銀獎。

During the female menstrual cycle , lh lute tropic hormone in her urine shows peak value at about 24 hours before ovulation 在女性的月經周期中,尿液中的促黃體生成激素lh會在排卵前24小時左右出現高峰值。

An old lute player falls ill in the wilds , and is saved by a fisher boy who accommodates him in his thatch cottage 老琴師在歸途中病倒在荒山野渡旁,漁家少年將老人安頓在自己的茅舍歇息。

They did not realize then that the argument they had just had was the rift in the lute that would eventually lead to divorce 當時他們并沒意識到,他們剛剛的爭論是導致最終離婚的征兆。

When there ' s a rift in the lute , the business of the lawyer is to widen the rift and gather the loot 當有了不和的預兆之時,律師的生意經就要擴大其罅隙(不和) ,并搜集其掠奪物。

When there ' s a rift in the lute , the business of the lawyer is to widen the rift and gather the loot 當有了不和的預兆之時,律師的生意經就是要擴大其不和,并搜集其掠奪物。

When there ' s a rift in the lute , the business of the lawyer be to widen the rift and gather the loot 當有了不和的預兆之時,律師的生意經就是要擴大其不和,并搜集其掠奪物。

The principal flautist of beijing symphony orchestra , lute professor in attach middle school of ccom 金塔指導老師新加坡國家交響樂團首席長笛新加坡國立音樂學院長笛講師

“ liu fang captures the soul of the pipa , a chinese lute , . . . for her delicate and spirited virtuosity . “劉芳精湛的技藝和充滿活力的演奏表現了琵琶的靈魂,感人摯深. . .

Since her childhood , yousra dhahbi had only a single purpose in life , to play the lute 尤斯拉達畢出生于傳統音樂世家,從童年起,在她生活中的唯一目就是演烏特琴。