
lusty adj.(lustier; -iest) 1. 強壯的;...

lusus naturae

Most of “ the castle in the forest ” is dedicated to the bee - keeping habits and lusty philandering of his father , alois , while adolf lurks ominously in the background : a needy , ill - humoured child , harbouring an over - possessive love for his mother and a penchant for war games 小說《林中城堡》花費大幅筆墨描繪了其父親洛伊斯的養蜂人習俗,及沾花惹草的習性;而阿道夫?希特勒始終是以令人不安的形象游走在小說的背景之中,是一個貪婪無度、脾氣暴躁的小孩,對母親的愛戀顯得占有欲過強,對戰爭游戲有著強烈的興趣。

I m as good as two of such ! look here here s at ee ! to tess s horror the dark queen began stripping off the bodice of her gown - which for the added reason of its ridiculed condition she was only too glad to be free of - till she had bared her plump neck , shoulders , and arms to the moonshine , under which they looked as luminous and beautiful as some praxitelean creation , in their possession of the faultless rotundities of a lusty country girl 使苔絲嚇了一跳的是, “黑桃皇后”開始脫她的上身衣服真正的原因是弄臟的上衣引人發笑,她正樂意借故把它脫掉她在月光下脫得露出了渾圓的脖子肩膀和胳膊,因為她是一個農村姑娘,在朦朧的月色里,她的脖子肩膀和胳膊光亮美麗豐滿圓潤和完美無缺,就像蒲拉克西蒂利創造的某些作品一樣。

Happily , an inhabitant of the kitchen made more dispatch : a lusty dame , with tucked - up gown , bare arms , and fire - flushed cheeks , rushed into the midst of us flourishing a frying - pan : and used that weapon , and her tongue , to such purpose , that the storm subsided magically , and she only remained , heaving like a sea after a high wind , when her master entered on the scene 幸虧廚房里有人快步走來:一個健壯的女人,她卷著衣裙,光著胳臂,兩頰火紅,揮舞著一個煎鍋沖到我們中間而且運用那個武器和她的舌頭頗為見效,很奇妙地平息了這場風暴。等她的主人上場時,她已如大風過后卻還在起伏的海洋一般,喘息著。

Andrea pretended to go towards the red horse inn , but after leaning an instant against the door , and hearing the last sound of the cab , which was disappearing from view , he went on his road , and with a lusty stride soon traversed the space of two leagues 安德烈假裝向紅馬旅館走去但他只在旅館門外站了一會兒,等到車輪的聲音漸漸走遠了,馬車的影子漸漸消失的時候,他便立刻上路,急匆匆的步行了六里路程。

It had all been used up by himself and his lusty friends . he had no money for food . hungry , he saw pigs eating food in their pen and he climbed in and grabbed food from the pigs and ate it 我們全都坐在一處,穿起我們的囚衣,這些荷蘭人進來的時候,他們第一句話就是:我想你們知道我們來自阿肯迪。

Our two champions claimed their plaything with lusty cries and to avoid trouble cissy caffrey called to the gentleman to throw it to her please 為了避免惹麻煩,西茜卡弗里就大聲招呼那位紳士,請他把球扔給她。

No more weakly looking object ever strolled out into the spring sunshine than the once hale , lusty manager 當這位過去身強體壯精力充沛的經理出院慢步走進春天的陽光里時,沒有誰會比他看上去更虛弱了。

A laurel - crowned clown ! a lusty lady loved a lawyer and longed to lure him from his laboratory 一個帶著用月桂枝編制成的皇冠的小丑!一位精力充沛的女士喜歡上了一個律師,她希望將他從實驗室引誘出來。

The reason for all these vehicles was the vast number of his procurers and bawds , harlots , catamites and lusty partners in depravity 這些車輛供給他為數眾多的皮條客,鴇母,妓女,孌童和情人。

I was the one who coaxed ghisolabella to serve the lusty wishes of the marquis , no matter how the sordid tale is told 是我把美麗的吉蘇拉引去順從那侯爵的意思,不論這可恥的故事傳說得怎么樣。

Aged four - and - a - half , the tribunal is proving a lustier infant than many predicted 剛剛成立四年半的國際刑事法庭仍處于幼年,可是它的活躍表現卻超出了之前人們的預期。

Cried the traveller who had not spoken , a lusty trencherman by his aspect . hast aught to give us 一位迄未做聲而看來食欲頗旺的來客大聲叫道, “有啥可給我們吃的? ”

He had his chair moved to escape the embrace of this lusty comrade of old days and nights 他把躺椅搬走了,逃避著這個過去與他日夜相伴的精力旺盛的老朋友的擁抱。

Germaine had the right idea : she was ignorant and lusty , she put her heart and soul into her work 杰曼的思路對?她無知、淫蕩,她全心全意地投身于她的工作。

He had his chair moved to escape the embrace of this lusty comrade of old days and nights 他把躺椅向屋內移了移,逃開了這個過去日夜陪伴他的強健的老伙計。

You both seem to lack the lusty cut and thrust and the humour a good marriage needs 正常的婚姻中有幽默,也有爭吵,而這些似乎正是你們倆的生活中所沒有的。

If solitude is the distance between souls , then loneliness must be the separation of lusty bodies 如果孤獨是心靈的距離,那么,寂寞便是肉體的隔離。

“ they were well - fed lusty horses , each one neighing after his neighbor ' s wife 耶5 : 8他們像?飽的馬、到處亂跑、各向他鄰舍的妻發嘶聲。

A lusty lady loved a lawyer and longed to lure him from his laboratory 一位妖媚的小姐愛上了一個律師,渴望能誘使他遠離他的實驗室。