
lustrous adj.1.有光澤的;有光彩的。2.光輝的;燦爛的;顯赫...


Using the latest hair care formula , this product contains ppt high - energy aquatic factor , fibroin and hair softener and other nutrients , adopts the most popular color , provides the comprehensive reconstruction and repairing functions for hair when dyeing , and maintains the durable , healthy and lustrous color 本品采用最新護發配方,內含ppt高能水養因子、絲蛋白素、頭發柔軟劑等各種毛發所需高能肥料,選擇最流行的色彩,在染發的同時對秀發作全面的重組修復,讓秀發保持恒久的健康及亮麗的色彩。

To avoid the effects of cosmetics and perfume , pearls should be the last thing a woman puts on before going out and the first thing she takes off after returning home . also , pearls are quite soft , so for the longest - lasting pearls choose those with thick nacre that can help them withstand wear over time . the best way to care for pearls is to wear them often because the body s natural oils keep them lustrous 從報導的實例來看,由于珍珠緊貼人的頸部,它的有效成分可以經摩擦進入人體,珍珠對體液分泌有一定吸收能力,皮膚對珍珠中所含藥物成分也有吸收,乃至影響局部患處,起消炎治療作用至于能治療神經衰弱癥,是因為珍珠具有鎮驚安神作用,但珍珠項鏈如何起安神作用還值得具體研究。

Tiger eye is a beautiful quartz gemstone that is found in western australia , south africa , united states , canada , india , namibia , and burma . the foremost important source of tiger eye is the mines in south africa . it is a lustrous yellow to brown color and has the look of glass with a white streak running through it 它是自然界的青石棉或藍石棉被二氧化碳硅膠凝體強烈交代和膠結后所形成的呈棕、褐、黃、藍等顏色,具有絹絲光澤的致密堅硬的石英質巖石,因為成份已變成石英,其硬度也上升為7 ,比重下降為3

In summer , a water lotus , water lily grace ; in autumn , the chrysanthemum covers with the gold , the laurel floats the joss - stick ; in winter , the plum is cold , the mountain tea vomit red , the magnolia is pure and lustrous , their each elegant appearance , ask for the persons fancy 夏日,出水芙蓉,睡蓮優雅秋天,菊花披金,丹桂飄香冬來,臘梅凌寒,山茶吐紅,玉蘭瑩潔,它們都各具風采,惹人喜愛。特別為人稱道的是春花區。

While arranging my hair , i looked at my face in the glass , and felt it was no longer plain : there was hope in its aspect and life in its colour ; and my eyes seemed as if they had beheld the fount of fruition , and borrowed beams from the lustrous ripple 我在梳頭時朝鏡子里打量了一下自己的臉,感到它不再平庸了。面容透出了希望,臉色有了活力,眼睛仿佛看到了果實的源泉,從光彩奪目的漣漪中借來了光芒。

Have nine stockaded village high mountain lake to divide into “ sea son “ in all like one side and a bright border son , and for example pieces of lustrous and transparent and moist jasper , are inlaid in the forest depths of snow - covered mountain magically by the good fortune hands 共有九個村寨分? “海子“的高山湖泊仿佛一面面明亮的境子,又如一塊塊瑩潤的碧玉,被造化之手神奇地鑲嵌在雪山森林深處。

Containing extracted bizarrerie fruit silky soften ingredients and fresh fruit essence , it can deeply supply water and nutrition to hair , effectively repair damaged hair , and let the dry , yellow , forked hair return lustrous , smooth and soft like the silk 本系列萃取奇異果香橙蜜桃等鮮果精華,深入補充秀發的水份和養份,有效修復受損發質,令干枯發黃開叉的關發恢復光澤,展現如絲般的柔順。

A smooth , lustrous , variously colored deposit , chiefly calcium carbonate , formed around a grain of sand or other foreign matter in the shells of certain mollusks and valued as a gem 珍珠在幾種軟體動物的貝殼中,圍繞著一粒沙子或其他外來物質形成的一種光滑、有色澤、具有不同顏色且主要是碳酸鈣的沉積物,被珍視為寶石

The moon was above , lustrous and serene ; vehicles and pedestrians were few ; sparrows twittered sleepily in the eaves ? for a little while the scene might have been a country churchyard 月亮的光輝在天上靜靜地照著;車輛和行人都稀少了,麻雀在屋檐下帶著睡意唧唧喳喳? ?這情景一時間像鄉村的墓地。

A tiny bead is implanted in an oyster , so that it is gradually coated in layers of a beautiful , pearlescent substance called nacre which build up to create a lustrous pearl 尤其是在近兩年的日本及歐美,珍珠飾品含蓄內斂的氣質吸引了不少知性女子,成為時尚飾品的一大主流。

Cantonese opera films attempted to reinvigorate itself by injecting lustrous stage elements such as the hair - flinging and round walking techniques into war - period features 古裝片方面,粵劇歌唱和武俠電影續領風騷。多部以戰事為背景的粵劇電影,都讓老倌大顯身手。

Presently the chambers gave up their fair tenants one after another : each came out gaily and airily , with dress that gleamed lustrous through the dusk 一會兒工夫,房間里的女房客們一個接一個出來了,個個心情歡快,步履輕盈,身上的衣裝在昏黃的暮色中閃閃發光。

The pearl begins when the mollusk secretes a lustrous substance , called nacre , that coats the irritant and protects the soft internal surface of the mollusk 得天獨厚的自然條件,配合來自珍珠養殖業的翹楚日本的高超技術,是澳洲南洋珍珠高品質的保證。

Pearl , a smooth , rounded lustrous deposit formed in the shells of certain oysters and is often used for jewelry . many macau souvenirs are made of it 珍珠是某些貝殼內產生的圓形有光澤顆粒,常用于珠寶首飾中,亦用作制造許多澳門的紀念品。

It was the portrait of a young woman of five or six and twenty , with a dark complexion , and light and lustrous eyes , veiled beneath long lashes 畫面上是一位青年女子,年約二十五六歲,膚色微黑,長長的睫毛下,有一雙水汪汪的明亮的眼睛。

Gerty s were of the bluest irish blue , set off by lustrous lashes and dark expressive brows . time gas when those brows were not so silkilyseductive 格蒂那雙愛爾蘭藍眼睛是再藍不過的,并且有帶光澤的睫毛和富于表情的深色眉毛相襯托。

Exquisite and lustrous , dazzling and resplendent , the celestial jewelry in the showcases were ever more enticing and alluring than pictured in the news magazines 櫥中的天飾比起雜志上的照片更令人愛不釋手,既精致又亮麗,輝煌燦爛。

Beautiful decorate : the whole house is elegant in appearance , bright and lustrous , the feel is soft , level the board , and have good ornament results 裝飾美觀:房屋整體美觀大方色澤鮮明質感柔和板面平整,具有良好的裝飾效果。

Calphalon tri - ply copper cookware ' s brushed copper exterior not only brings lustrous warmth and classic beauty to your home 家富樂三銅鍋的銅外表不僅讓你的家充滿燦爛的溫暖和古典美,它也具有優良的傳導和烹飪性能。