
lustra lustrum 的復數。


With quality products featuring good colour and lustre , high precision and strong toughness , as well as good credit , the company is deeply welcomed by foreign customers 公司以其色澤好、精度高、韌性強的優質產品及良好的商業信譽,深受外商青睞。

Morrel raised his head , and reading the eyes of the old man , which gleamed with unnatural lustre , - “ stay , “ he said , “ m . noirtier wishes to speak . 莫雷爾抬起頭來,發現老人的眼睛閃著不自然的光輝,便說: “等一等,諾瓦梯埃先生想說話。 ”

Its colour and lustre are yellow and the odor is good . it is the hot choice for national vegetable oil factory 蓮花玉米胚芽餅,蓮花味精股份公司出品。外觀色澤淺黃,胚芽整壯,破碎率低,氣味正常,是國內植物袖廠熱選產品。

Truths , on which depends our main concerns . . . shine by the side of every path we tread . with such a lustre , he that runs may read 咱們看到老s對人頭一次的溫柔就是體現在他們的對話當中,說他們兩個沒關系?殺了我吧。 。 。

Physical features : crystal bar in silver grey lustre , without non - metal inclusion and blue film on the surface or the inner 物理狀態:高純鋯為銀灰色棒狀晶條,具有金屬光澤。其內部和表面不帶有非金屬夾雜物和藍膜。

The products are noted for their soft and feeling , fine lustre , good elasticity and strong performance of keeping warm 主要品種有羊絨大衣呢、兔絨大衣呢、羊駝毛大衣呢、雙面呢、順毛呢、立絨呢、新型粗花呢等。

Every hour the kaleidoscope of human affairs threw a new lustre upon something , and therewith it became for her the desired - the all 每天,人生的萬花筒賦予一些新的事物以光采,于是這個事物就成了她所追求的目標。

Two centuries of exposure to the elements have failed to alter the colors or lustre of this magnificent work of art 時至今日已過去兩個多世紀了暴露在風雨陽光下仍沒使之褪色,是古代琉璃建筑藝術的杰作。

His eyes went lack - lustre , and he lay back on the pillow , pulling the blanket about him and up to his chin 信從他手上落下,他的兩眼失去了光澤。他躺回到枕頭上,拉過毯子蓋住身體,直蓋到下巴。

It was not himself that could now kindle the lustre of animated expression : he was dependent on another for that office 現在他自己已無力恢復生氣勃勃光彩照人的表情了,不得不依賴他人來完成。

With male stars losing their lustre , a new generation of female stars becomes the box office draw in this time of depression 近年男星普遍疲弱,新女星抬頭,就成為香港影壇極低迷下的救亡支柱。

Since jade is , as a rule , not transparent , but has a fine lustre , the cabochon is the form best suited to it 不是透明的寶石,但卻具有極佳的光澤,所以極適合被切磨成光滑的半圓弧面型

The teak deck is finished with a specially formulated oil blend to ensure a rich , natural , longer - lasting lustre 柚木裝飾通過特殊的混合潤滑油完成,以保證達到豐富、自然和持久的光澤。

It was certainly a doubtful charm , imparting a hard , metallic lustre to the child s character . she wanted - what 這種活力在孩子的性格上增加了一種堅硬的金屬般的光澤,其魅力甚屬可疑。

Knowledhe may give weight , but accomplishment give lustre , and many more people see than weight 知識給人以重量,而成功給人以光澤,更多的人只注意光澤而不去稱重。

Iews it from a distance . it seems to stand like a jade column soaring info the sky in a dazzling cold lustre 臨山仰望,似玉柱壁立,直插蒼穹,寒光耀眼,巍峨秀麗。

Knowledge may give weight , but accomplishment give lustre , and many more people see than weight 知識給人以力量。而成功給人以光澤,更多的人注意光澤而不求力量。

Her soft eyes contained in their liquid lustre no suggestion of the knowledge of disappointment 她的水靈靈的大眼睛里滿含著溫柔,而沒有一絲失意的痕跡。

The lustre of pure gold will never fade ; the faith of an upholder of truth will never change 純真的金子,光澤永遠不變;堅持真理的人,信念始終不渝。