
lustful adj.1.多欲的;貪心的。2.好色的,淫蕩的。3.〔古...


It may seem strange to call a chamber drama about a geisha mother and daughter “ ambitious “ . but at 201 minutes , he has spun a tragically provoking epic based upon the popular novel by ariyoshi sawako . forced into prostitution due to financial circumstances , ikuyo descends into lustful passions with her clients 原著者有吉佐和子是近代擅寫女性命運的作家和劇場導演,香華是其代表作之一,木下拍成近三個半小時的史詩巨構,耗資一億二千萬,公映旋即轟動,是松竹當年最賣座電影。

As of old thou didst redeem us from the curse of the law by thy divinely - shed blood , o jesus , likewise rescue me from the snares in which the serpent has entangled us through the passions of the flesh , through lustful suggestions and evil despondency , as we cry to thee : alleluia 耶穌啊,昔日藉著禰寶血神圣的傾流,您把我們從律法的詛咒下贖回,如今也求禰救我免陷于那毒蛇以肉欲、邪情和失望所羅織的誘惑之網,令我能向禰高歌:阿肋路亞!

If you hold that he , a greying man with two marriageable daughters , with thirtyfive years of life , nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita , with fifty of experience , is the beardless undergraduate from wittenberg then you must hold that his seventyyear old mother is the lustful queen 410這位頭發開始花白有著兩個已屆婚的女兒411的年方三十五歲的男子,正當人生的中途, 412卻已有了五十歲的人的閱歷。

According to his lawsuit , the farmer claims that fireworks set off by the boys made the previously lustful gustav both apathetic and depressed , and thus unable to perform for a half - a - year with his two female breeding partners 加貝爾表示,那些男孩燃放的鞭炮令原本一向在性方面生龍活虎的古斯塔夫突然變得缺乏性趣且情緒低落起來,以至于在接下來的半年時間里它始終無法與該農場內的2只雌性鴕鳥親熱。

I m not saying not to touch anyone s hand or foot , not to kiss anyone , then it means i have not violated any precepts . it s still considered a violation anyway , if we intentionally have desired thoughts and constantly look at others with lustful eyes everywhere we go 不要說沒有碰別人的手或腳,沒有親吻什么人,就沒有犯戒,如果我們存心動了欲念,或是到哪里都一直用色眼看人家,也照樣是犯戒。

They are involved day and night in such a poisonous environment of lustful desires and sensuous pleasures that despite being cautioned time and again , they fail to rid themselves from the bondage of the net work of worldly illusions 他們終日生活在貪念和感官愉悅的這樣一個罪惡的環境中,盡管被屢屢告誡,他們還是被世俗的幻想之網而囚禁。

When a pop diva decides to hold the concert at the montecito , mary becomes her chaperone , while ed finds himself reunited with his lustful former cia partner who is currently working for performer 一位世界級著名女高音準備在拉斯維加斯舉行演唱會,狄老大安排瑪莉擔任她的向導兼私人助理;同時,女高音也聘雇了前cia成員出任保鑣。

Gemini & pisces : insecurity usually ruins this relationship . this can be an extremely emotional union . unique , destructive , yet passionate and lustful resulting in hurt and anxiety 不穩定經常會破壞你們的關系。你們的組合過于情緒化。獨特、危險然而又熱情似火的感情最后總是導致傷害和焦慮。

Hushed whispers came from the crowd . master continued : “ when with lustful desire you looked at the neighbor s wife it does not mean that you did not violate the precept - you did 眾人聽完發出一陣驚嘆聲,師父繼續說:當你用有色的眼睛看隔壁的太太時,并不表示你沒有犯戒,你已經犯戒了!

Rather than allowing lustful temptations to grow in our minds and bring forth sin and then death , we must let the word of god dwell there and develop in us the character of our father 與其讓私欲在我們的腦子里生長,以致帶來罪和死,我們必須讓神的道在心里扎根,增進自己里面父的品性。

The book is also funny , particularly in the description of some ofits male characters , who bring to mind the cartoon creations of robert crumb : rank , weedy , lustful 這本書還很幽默,特別是在描述一些男性角色的時候? ?讓人想起羅伯特?克拉姆筆下的卡通人物:下流,無用,還色咪咪的。

[ niv ] for they mouth empty , boastful words and , by appealing to the lustful desires of sinful human nature , they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error 18 [和合]他們說37虛妄矜38夸的大話,用肉身的情欲和邪淫的事引誘那些剛才39脫離妄行的人。

18 for they mouth empty , boastful words and , by appealing the lustful desires of sinful human nature , they entice people who are just escaping from those who live in error 18他們說虛妄矜夸的大話,用肉身的情欲和邪淫的事引誘那些剛才脫離妄行的人。

A lot of societies have imperfect deities : jealous gods , lustful gods , prankish gods , and the worshipers say , look , they are just like us 許多社會都有不完美的神? :善嫉的神、縱欲的神、愛開玩笑的神,而參拜者說:看啊,他們就像我們一樣。

You engaged in prostitution with the egyptians , your lustful neighbors , and provoked me to anger with your increasing promiscuity 26你也和你鄰邦放縱情欲的埃及人行淫,加增你的淫亂,惹我發怒。

But it is not so . having that thought alone or just a lustful look is already a violation , if we do it deliberately 當我們不是故意的還好一點,但是那并不是沒有犯戒,那也是犯戒,但是比較輕。

You make a hot combination . lustful but not lasting due to your jealous nature 天蝎白羊:你們是一對熱戀情侶。然而欲望太多,嫉妒心強的蝎子不可能和羊兒白頭偕老。

Later , when chyi , a waitress at a coffee - shop , meets hsiao - kang , she is filled with lustful desire 而當茶室的女待應琪琪遇到小康,抑壓的欲望變得一發不可收拾。

We have allowed that first lustful thought to develop and take us down the path to death 我們讓私欲長成,付諸行動,最終把自己帶上死亡之路。