
luster n.好色的人,荒淫的人。


The arrangement of each pearl in a strand be in harmony in termes of shape , luster , surface quality and size 匹配性是指飾品中各單粒珍珠之間在形狀、光澤、光潔度、顏色、大小等方面協調程度。

The website ca n ' t c luster it ' s users and web pages , so i t ca n ' t provide special service for a given people 網站不能對用戶及其頁面進行聚類,因此也不能針對特定的用戶給出特殊的服務。

“ self - command is not only itself a great virtue , but from it all the other virtues seem to derive their principle luster 自我控制并不單是一種非凡的美德,它更是使其他美德煥發光彩的源泉。

Wenzhou huake pearl luster pigment co . , ltd . is a manufacture of pearl pigment . welcome to contacting with us 溫州華克珠光顏料有限公司是一家生產優質珠光顏料的廠家。歡迎來電來函咨詢采購。

I ' m trying very hard not to put off , hold back , or save anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives 我正努力不再拖延、保留或珍藏那些能給我們生活帶來歡笑和光彩的東西。

How the gold has lost its luster , the fine gold become dull ! the sacred gems are scattered at the head of every street 1 [和合]黃金何其失光,純金何其變色;圣所的石頭倒在各1市口上

Without it bright ideas will never luster , innovations will lose its existence and progress will only be true in our dreams 如果不是它帶來了概念和觀點,它們將不再具有光輝。

How the gold has lost its luster , the fine gold become dull ! the sacred gems are scattered at the head of every street 1黃金何其失光;純金何其變色。圣所的石頭倒在各市口上。

Our products feature fine craftsmanship , good flexibility and luster , durability and quality consistency 產品具有:工藝精細、彎曲度好、光澤度好、堅固耐用、質量穩定等特點。

B : well , natural pearls are of hifher value , but the cultured pearls have equal luster and are just as beautiful 嗯,真珠的價值較高。不過實際上,養珠也跟真珠一樣光彩美麗

Well , natural pearls are of hifher value , but the cultured pearls have equal luster and are just as beautiful 嗯,真珠的價值較高。不過實際上,養珠也跟真珠一樣光彩美麗

Clad with a half - mirror panel and mirror - finish luster , the rounded body is a sheer delight to hold 時尚有型,纖薄輕巧,渾圓光滑dimagex1令人一見難忘,愛不釋手。

Healthy women have lustrous , shiny hair , whereas the hair of sickly people loses its luster 健康的女性擁有的是一頭有光澤亮麗的頭發,而病弱的人的頭發沒有光澤。

Knowledge may give weight , but accomplishments give luster , and many more people see than weigh 知識給人以重量,而成功給人以光澤,更多的人只是觀看而不去稱。

The product shape for the laminated shape , massive , the luster is luminous , assumes the silver - gray color 產品形狀為片狀、塊狀、色澤光亮,呈銀灰色。

Platinum becomes a symbol of nobleness and gracefulness , because of its implicit and pure luster 鉑金,因其含蓄純凈的光澤而成為高貴雍雅的象征。

The luster of pure gold will never fade ; the faith of an upholder of truth will never change 純真的金子,光澤永遠不變;堅持真理的人,信念始終不渝

[ properties ] : smooth surface with silver bright , metal luster , soft and good extension :表面光潔,呈銀白色,具有金屬光澤,柔軟,延展性強。

Luster bar shoe 珠光條鞋