
lust n.1.欲望,貪欲。2.渴望,熱烈追求。3.肉欲,色情。...


Palmer kirby had wakened late blooming lusts in her 巴穆?柯比在她心中煽動起一片遲暮的情欲。

The lust of the goat is the bounty of god 山羊的淫欲是上帝的博愛。

Lust , as the bible states , is a sin 而淫蕩,在圣經中,是一種原罪。

He never lusted for war alexander or enjoyed it so 他從來不會渴望戰爭或者是對戰爭這樣熱衷

He has no loves , lusts or allegiances . . 他沒有愛,沒有欲望,不忠誠

A little blood lust suits you , octavian 一點嗜血欲望很適合你,屋大維

You - you are blinded by untapped lust 你-你是徹底被你的欲望所蒙蔽了

What about your loves , lusts and allegiances 你的愛、欲望和忠誠呢?

It ' s motivations are lust , greed , and murderous pleasure 它的動機強烈,貪婪和死亡的愉悅。

He lusts after danger , excitement and personal power 他完全以自我為中心,不關心任何人。

You - - you are blinded by untapped lust 你- -你是徹底被你的欲望所蒙蔽了

I ' ve never underestimated kraven ' s lust for advancement 我從沒低估過克萊恩對進步的興趣

That lust overcame the two of us , it blows my mind 欲望淹沒了我們兩人,我的意識一片模糊

His lust for power will never be satisfied 他的權力欲永不能得到滿足。

I ' ve already seen li - an ’ s latest movie , lust caution 我已經看過李安的最新電影?色戒。

I ' ve never underestimated kraven ' s lust for advancement . . 我從沒有低估克萊文的野心. .

O , lust , our refuge and our strength 369啊,肉欲,我們的避難所和力量。

Is your husband lusting after the au pair 你的丈夫是否正對來家打工的留學女生暗送秋波

For , sirs , he said , our lust is brief 因為諸君, ”彼又云: “我等之情欲猶如過眼浮云。