
lush adj.1.多汁的;味美的,芬芳的。2.青蔥的;草木茂盛...


To appreciate a lush view of wan chai , you can take several travel routes up to the peak 要欣賞灣仔翠綠的一面,游客可沿著不同的路徑上山。

Long long ago , there was a lush forest where various animals dwell harmoniously 很久以前,在一片繁茂的大森林里住著許許多多和睦相處的動物。

The hilly areas make good sheep pasture ; sheep will batten on the lush grass 這一帶山區是很好的牧羊場,羊吃了茂盛的青草會長得肥肥的。

To appreciate a lush view of wan chai , you can take several routes up to the peak 要欣賞灣仔翠綠的一面,游客可沿著不同的路徑上山。

Do cows raised in climates that produce lush pastures produce better natural gut 生活在繁密的草原的牛能生產更好的天然腸線么?

And the lush green grass 青蔥的綠草

Food for millionaires , is a lush coming - of - age tale that s filtered through the immigrant 從上帝的地球上。不僅是這上帝的

Paint this lotion to the itching spot with this small 6716426924 lush ( cotton swab ) 用小刷子(棉花棍)把洗劑涂在癢處p 。

“ delivers with a colorful , lush and witty world under the sea . 本片帶給了觀眾們色彩斑斕、巍巍壯觀、機智詼諧的海底世界

Lush , the most popular brand with fresh soap products in uk 來自英國、新鮮有趣的手工保養品lush ,以創意的浴皂塊聞名。

The lush chinese university campus has a great demand for insecticide 中文大學校園面積廣闊,植物繁茂,農藥需求甚大。

Yeah , i was an old lush 是啊,我真是話多

Lush trees dot the slopes 綠樹點綴山崗。

It is well known that hoi ha wan marine park has lush coral communities 眾所周知,海下灣海岸公園有繁茂的珊瑚群落。

I am a beautiful quiet morning , diffuse in the thorns lush green valley 我是清幽安靜的晨,彌漫在綠色茂盛的荊棘谷。

Its wheel , rusted and fallen , lay silent in the lush bluegrass 車輪已經銹了,倒了,靜靜地躺臥在茂盛的六月禾叢中。

Nonsense ! junkies , lushes 廢話!吸毒者,嫖客

Sure , his dad is a lush , but he ' s always the life of the party 沒錯,他父親是個酒鬼,但他永遠是宴會的靈魂人物。

I am in the morning hush , of stranglethom ` s jungle , green and lush 我是清幽安靜的晨霧,彌漫于綠色茂盛的荊棘谷。