
luscious adj.1.甘美的,芬芳的。2.過分的香甜的,令人膩味的...


As twere , in the peerless panorama of ireland s portfolio , unmatched , despite their wellpraised prototypes in other vaunted prize regions , for very beauty , of bosky grove and undulating plain and luscious pastureland of vernal green , steeped in the transcendent translucent glow of our mild mysterious irish twilight . . “沫浴于愛爾蘭全景那無與倫比的風光中。論美,盡管在其他以秀麗見稱的寶地也能找到被人廣為稱頌的典型,然而我們溫柔神秘的愛爾蘭在黃昏中那無可比擬的半透明光輝,照耀著郁郁蔥蔥的森林,綿延起伏的田野,和煦芬芳的綠色牧場。

Unfettered sci - fi wire - fu meets a script by wong kar - wai , exploding into a messy , luscious comedy - action - romance - fantasy that is no - holds - barred in its inventiveness . then there s corey yuen s choreography , summoning an armoury of exploding daggers , killer yo - yos and wobbly swords as the heroes and villains flutter about . essentially , it s a classic revenge plot spiced with a love triangle and peculiar characters 其視覺招數奇多,窒息子彈、炮彈飛刀、恐怖天使都極具創意,銀狐被困鏡中已成動作概念經典設計,劉德華使新式柳葉劍也出奇瀟灑,梅艷芳一人分飾兩姊妹,見劉德華一刻為她動情,一刻就當她不是女人般奚落,盡是過癮。

In similar manner he collected lists of strong phrases , the phrases of living language , phrases that bit like acid and scorched like flame , or that glowed and were mellow and luscious in the midst of the arid desert of common speech 他也用同樣的方法去搜集富有表現力的詞語,從生動活潑的語言中出現的詞語,能像酸那樣咬人。像山那樣燒火的詞語,或是能在平常語言的荒漠中融融發光醇厚甘美的詞語。

A luscious , botanical strawberry scrub containing fine polyethylene granules , botanical nutrients , almond meal and silica to help exfoliate dead skin cells which helps treatment products and active ingredients penetrate better when applied 透過柔美的草莓、絲蘭、杏仁成分,可輕柔地剝落肌膚外層枯死的角質皮屑,對肌膚的新陳代謝有絕佳的功能。

There are shades colors reminiscent of fine amber wine , the blush of a luscious peach , fiery oranges , and still more colors within these groupings . there is a blue topaz but its color is seldom natural 專家講,上等的紫紅色、粉紅色黃玉有價值, “雪利酒“色又叫“帝王黃玉“ ,是其中珍品,然后是藍和一般的黃色。

This story discusses the ahimsa ideal . one day , a poor man was walking through a mango grove , where he saw many mangoes on the trees that looked extremely luscious and tempting 有一個人非常貧窮,有一天,他經過一個芒果園,看到芒果樹上結著滿滿的芒果,那些熟透的芒果好漂亮,非常吸引人。

In addition to the luxuriant flowers and trees around the center , various fruit trees have also been planted . it is the mango season now , and the luscious fruits make one s mouth water 中心里除了花木扶疏之外,也種植了各種果樹,目前正值芒果結實累累的季節,豐碩的果實令人垂涎三尺。

The phelps portfolio also includes ? in years when weather conditions permit ? luscious dessert wines made from johannisberg riesling scheurebe , semillon and muscat 在氣候條件允許的年份,酒園還生產包括釀自約翰內斯堡雷司令舒伯、森美蓉和麝香的香氣襲人的餐末甜酒。

If she had been less wealthy , though as luscious as cherry bullivant , she suspected even then that this desirable man would not have been enticed 她與徹麗?布利文特一樣富有肉感,但如果不是那么有錢,那么即使在當時,她也會懷疑她的如意郎君并沒有被她迷住。

This joyous , floral fragrance celebrates optimism and a love for life . evident in the bright citrus tones that unite with luscious flowers and the right touch of warmth 這款充滿了歡悅,花卉芬芳的香水顯示了一種既樂觀又充滿愛心的生活態度。

Aristocratic bouquet , luscious taste set off by a hint of acidity , long finish in the mouth . and it attains silkiness unfound in most a . o . c . whites 酒香高貴,香甜的味道中有一絲酸度,馀韻悠長。如絲般柔滑,為大部份a . o . c .白酒所欠缺的。

The sweet muscat has delicate notes of white flowers andtangerine , as well as hints of quince and citrus . it is a lively , freshand luscious style of wine 這清甜蜜思嘉白葡萄酒富花與橘果香,浸出點點? ?及檸檬味,充滿生氣,清新而誘人。

“ look ! that poor man struck the tree with a stone , and the tree gave him luscious fruit to eat , which fulfilled his hunger for a day 國王說:你看,這個貧窮的人拿石頭丟那棵樹,結果那棵樹送好的水果給他吃,讓他飽足一天。

Shanghai juicy peaches feature soft pulp , thin peel , bright red color , luscious juicy and full - bodied fragrance , etc 上海水蜜桃不但味道鮮美,同時還有藥用價值,對于淤血停滯、咳嗽、便秘等癥具有一定的療效。

There are shades colors reminiscent of fine amber wine , the blush of a luscious peach , fiery oranges , and still more colors within these groupings 另一種說法認為是由焚文“ topas ”衍生而來,意即“火” 。

They set the stage with flair , rolling out red carpets and luscious chinese delicacies in the ornate great hall of the people 他們在人民大會堂鋪開猩紅的地毯,用中國人特有的微妙方式極盡地主之誼。

The palate is luscious with a velvety mouth feel and the high level of acidity ensures a clean , fresh finish that lingers 口味甘美,有著天鵝絨般的質感,高品質的果酸成就了其清新爽利的回味。

Present the original taste of top luscious material including filet steak , goose liver , and truffle 炭烤表面膠封其肉汁原味,再搭配油脂適中的鵝肝與松露提味,展現食材的原味。

Her mouth glued on his in a luscious voluptuous kiss while his hands felt for the opulent curves inside her dshabill 她的嘴緊緊嘬住地的嘴,淫褻放蕩地狂吻著他呢,這當