
lurk vi.1.潛伏,埋伏 (about; in; under...


Find untested code where bugs lurk 找出隱藏bug的未測試到的代碼

But behind her life lurked two women ' s complicated lives 而在她背后又埋藏著兩個女人復雜的生活

- no . - i know who is lurking behind this -不! -我知道誰在這背后

I know what lurks in your lusting heart 我知道你心中在想些什么

A fox was sneaking on the lurk 一只狐貍正在偷偷摸摸地潛行窺探。

Do please don ' t lurk , octavian . come in 別躲在那里,屋大維,進來

A voyeur was seen lurking around the girl ' s dormitory 有人看到一位偷窺狂躲藏在女生宿舍附近。

. . . is always lurking about . and scabbers is gone . . .老是鬼鬼祟祟的樣子而現在斑斑真的不見了

He ' s usually lurking somewhere near the bar 他通常出沒在酒吧附近

How ? - somebody who was lurking around 怎么回事? -有人潛伏在我身邊

- how ? - somebody who was lurking around -怎么回事? -有人潛伏在我身邊

But always it lurked , in the back of my mind 可它總是潛伏著,時常浮現,出現在我意識中。

Be alert to shame lurking within you 要時刻警覺羞愧就潛伏在你的內心。

Pride may lurk under a threadbare cloak 驕傲可能披著老一套的外衣出現。

Pride may lurk under a threadbare cloak 驕傲可能會潛藏在穿舊的斗篷下。

Is always lurking about . and scabbers is gone .老是鬼鬼祟祟的樣子而現在斑斑真的不見了

Treachery lurked behind his smooth manners 他圓滑姿態的后面潛伏著奸計。

What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks ? 這玫瑰色的臉頰下隱藏了什么樣的奇思怪想?

What quirks lurk beneath those rosy cheeks 這玫瑰色的臉頰下隱藏了什么樣的奇思怪想?