
lurid adj.1.青的,蒼白的。2.(天空、風景、電光等)可怕...


Though not an implicit believer in the lurid story narrated or the eggsniping transaction for that matter despite william tell and the lazarillo - don cesar de bazan incident depicted in maritana on which occasion the former s ball passed through the latter s hat , having detected a discrepancy between his name assuming he was the person he represented himself to be and not sailing under false colours after having boxed the compass on the strict q . t 在那次事件中,前者的子彈穿透了后者的帽子。他看穿了水手的名字假定他果真就是所自稱的那個人,而不是在某地悄悄地使船調換方向,掛上別國國旗航行的話與明信片上的收信人姓名有出入,再加上那個編造的發信地址,使他頗為懷疑我們這位朋友誠實71與否。

She thought of the child consigned to the nethermost corner of hell , as its double doom for lack of baptism and lack of legitimacy ; saw the arch - fiend tossing it with his three - pronged fork , like the one they used for heating the oven on baking days ; to which picture she added many other quaint and curious details of torment sometimes taught the young in this christian country . the lurid presentment so powerfully affected her imagination in the silence of the sleeping house that her nightgown became damp with perspiration , and the bedstead shook with each throb of her heart 在她的想象里,因為孩子沒有受洗和是私生的這兩重大罪,所以被打進了地獄中最深的一個角落里她看見那個魔鬼頭子手里拿起一把三刃的鋼叉,把她的孩子又來叉去,那根鋼叉和在烤面包時用來燒爐子的鋼叉一樣在這幅圖畫里,她又添加了許多其它稀奇古怪的孩子遭受折磨的細節,那都是在這個基督教國家里給年輕人講過的。

Above the temples , amidst wreathed turban folds of black drapery , vague in its character and consistency as cloud , gleamed a ring of white flame , gemmed with sparkles of a more lurid tinge . this pale crescent was the likeness of a kingly crown ; what it diademed was the shape which shape had none 在兩鬢之上,黑色纏頭布的皺裥中,射出了一圈如云霧般變幻莫測的白熾火焰,鑲嵌著紅艷艷的火星,這蒼白的新月是“王冠的寫真” ,為“無形之形”加冕。

He did it that night , and he did it well ; and since martin had made the biggest stir , he put it all into his mouth and made him the arch - anarch of the show , transforming his reactionary individualism into the most lurid , red - shirt socialist utterance 那天晚上他就是那樣搞的,而且搞得很漂亮。由于馬丁的發言最引起轟動,他便把一切都寫進了馬丁嘴里,把他變成了那番騷動里的無政府主義元兇,把他那反動的個人主義理論改造成了最陰險的。

The uplands and copses , which at the end of august had still been green islands among the black fields ploughed ready for winter corn , and the stubble had become golden and lurid red islands in a sea of bright green autumn crops 八月底,群山的頂峰和樹林在秋播作物的黑土田地和麥莊之間猶如綠色的孤林,這時在鮮綠的越冬作物中間,已經變成金光閃閃的和鮮紅的孤林。

As the only person among the draft dodgers , peaceniks and political idealists who understood how the media worked , he filed lurid - and hilarious - columns to document the voyage 在所有的逃兵、和平主義者和理想主義者里,他是唯一一個了解媒體如何運作的人,因此他在報上發表簡潔生動,同時也荒唐滑稽的專欄,記錄下這次航程。

She said , lifting her finger ; and then she wrote in the air a memento , which ran in lurid hieroglyphics all along the house - front , between the upper and lower row of windows , “ like it if you can 她豎起她的手指說,隨后在空中寫了一條警語,那文字奇形怪狀,十分可怖,覆蓋了上下兩排窗戶之間的正壁:只要能夠,你就喜歡它!

Philosophically considered , therefore , the two passions seem essentially the same , except that one happens to be seen in a celestial radiance , and the other in a dusky and lurid glow 因此,從哲學上看,這兩種感情在本質上似乎是相同的,只不過一種剛好顯現于神圣的天光中,而另一種則隱蔽在晦暗的幽光里。

Hath been - wherever , so miserably burdened , she may have hoped to find repose - it hath cast a lurid gleam of awe and horrible repugnance round about her 無論她走到哪里,無論她肩負多么悲慘的重荷,無論她可能多么巴望能得到安靜的休息,這紅字總向她周圍發散出使人畏懼令人深惡痛絕的幽光。

Then , she was supported by an unnatural tension of the nerves , and by all the combative energy of her character , which enabled her to convert the scene into a kind of lurid triumph 那天,她為一種反常的神經緊張和個性中全部好斗的精神所支撐,使她能夠將那種場面變成一種慘淡的勝利。

The impervious navigator heard these lurid tidings undismayed . - take a bit of doing , boss , retaliated that rough diamond palpably a bit peeved in response to the foregoing truism “可沒那么容易呀, ”方才這番老生常談顯然多少惹惱了這位粗魯樸直的漢子,他就回了這么一句。

What this lurid speculation suggests is how ready some of the president ' s critics are to believe that he and his advisors will resort to any trick to secure victory 而這一驚人的猜疑顯示,布什總統的某些批評者是多么相信他和他的幕僚為確保大選勝利會不擇手段。

I was aware her lurid visage flamed over mine , and i lost consciousness : for the second time in my life - only the second time - i became insensible from terror 我感到她白煞煞的臉朝我閃著光,我昏了過去。平生第二次一只不過第二次我嚇昏了。 ”

And , having set the scene , he moves on to the action in para 2 . and despite the almost ( 16 ) lurid language , the sentence construction is quite simple 布置完場景后,作者即移向第二段里的故事情節.盡管語言幾乎有些蒼白,但句子結構卻相當簡單

It was whispered , by those who peered after her , that the scarlet letter threw a lurid gleam along the dark passage - way of the interior 那些目光隨著她身影窺視的人耳語著說,她胸前的紅字在中內黑漆漆的通路上投下了一道血紅的閃光。

The advantage of tours , of course , is that the guides tend to let you in on lurid details not mentioned on the little plaque 當然,參加旅游團的好處是,導游往往能透露給你說明板上所未提到的令人毛骨悚然的細節。

Mentioning death in polite society is considered morbid unless it ' s in the context of a lurid murder 在彬彬有禮的社交場合,提起死亡被認為是可怕的,除非是在敘述一件聳人聽聞的謀殺案。

But it is also a commentary on the lurid appeal of shopping malls , which were then multiplying quickly 但它也是對購物商城可怕的吸引力的實況報道,此后購物商城迅速在各地涌現。

Jack london ' s is the better novel in being rather less lurid and rather more consistently grim 杰克?倫敦的那一部略勝一籌,因為它所描寫的兇兆大致上順理成章,而且不那樣悲慘。