
lure n.1.鷹師系在繩上用以誘回獵鷹的彩色羽毛。2.引誘劑,...


They lure your soldiers into the forest , and , uh 他們把您的士兵們吸引到樹林里,然后,呃

Well , i ' m luring alex ' s husband over here 呃,我正在以修東西為名義…

People ' s value , is decided at the moment of luring 人的價值,在遭受誘惑的一瞬間被決定。

All we got to do is lure the fucking beast into the mold . . 我們要引這只怪獸進入熔爐內. .

If u dress nicely , he says u are trying to lure him 如果你穿得很漂亮,他說你企圖誘惑他。

The lure of the material - beauty speaks for itself 物質的引誘:美的魅力

What ' s the lure of such dangerous places for you 是什么樣的力量吸引著您冒如此大的風險?

Of course it was to this that peter had been luring them 這正是彼得想引誘他們去辦的事。

Then he tied on a small silver 6 ) lure and practiced casting 他系上魚餌,練習如何拋線。

Wait a minute , this may be some trick to lure us out 等一下,這可能是引誘我們出去的詭計

If madame victoria . - lure her into the kitchen -如果維多利亞女士. -把她引到廚房去。

Lure or drag sb . into the mire or wrong doings 引誘某人做壞事或犯錯誤。

Advertisements use a lot of gimmicks to lure customers 廣告運用了許多誘惑顧客的手段。

He could not tell how his luring succeeded 他吃不準他的調情成功了沒有。

He is trying to lure you away from your boyfriend 他試圖誘騙你離開男友。

Money lured them into questionable dealings 金錢誘惑他們倦入了可疑交易。

Staywhereyou are . lure them there and kill them 呆在你的地方,然后引他們到那殺了他們

All we got to do is lure the fucking beast into the mold 我們要引這只怪獸進入熔爐內

Malaysia cleans up toilets to lure tourists 為吸引更多游客馬來西亞推出新高科技洗手間