
lur LUR =London Underground Rail...


Stability for a class of nonlinear feedback system is studied in this paper . thus some sufficient and necessary conditions are given . these results are suitable for both time - invariant and time - varying systems . as an application , the general time - varying lur e problem is studied too . then the time - varying circle criterion in the siso case is given . at the same time , in the mimo case , a stability criterion is given , which doesn t need the decoupling conditions -穩定性問題,給出了其穩性分析準則和一些必要條件,這些結果適用于時不變與時變系統。其次,利用已有的結果,研究了非線性環節具有扇區特性的穩定性問題。在單輸入單輸出siso的情況下,給出了時變系統的圓判據。

The effiecncy recently , is not very nice enough to suffice me , and abundant of petty thinghs fullfil in my head , what ' s worse , i lost of my confidence on occasion when i was setbacked by the problems as well as the innumerable things needing to be handed with , in addtion , a huge sense of guilty on me that i am weaked of withstanding diverses of lures from the outside , i failed to manage to control myself , everythings seem like awful 最近效率不高,令我很不滿意,我老是被很多瑣碎的事情煩擾,更糟糕的事,我會被很多問題和巨多要做的作業打擊得失去了信心.除此之外,我感到一種巨大的罪惡感,因為我不能抵擋外部各種誘惑,我失去控制,好象每件事都變得很糟糕

In “ the name , the nose “ a man of the world consults a fashionable parfumerie in search of a scent worn by a mysterious masked lady , while in london a drugged rock musician ruts like an animal in heat for the female whose odor lures him into crazed pursuit 《名字,鼻子》里一位見多識廣的男士苦苦琢磨時髦的香水,為了找出一個戴面具的神秘女郎留下的香味,而在倫敦一個吸毒的搖滾歌手則象一只發情的野獸,一位女士的氣味使他展開了瘋狂的尋找。

Horizon & sea viewing area is 20 meters aboue sea level with a great view of ocean and the magnificent building of environmental protection bureau designed by the world renowned chinese architect i . m . pei . such a place lures plethors to lie on grass and watch the ocean in the evening 海天一線看海區與看海公園不同處,在于該景點有著不同坡度及高度之草坪,并規劃了許多不同主題的廣場,以使其休憩功能與看海公園區隔。

3 the problem of reliable h # control for a class of lur ' e systems with polytopic uncertainties is studied when all control components are operational as well as when some control components experience failures , the design approach of reliable h # controller is also obtained 3 、針對一類具有凸參數不確定性的lur ’ e時滯系統,研究了當執行器與傳感器分別出現故障的時候的可靠控制問題,得出了可靠h _控制器的設計方法。

I went fishing several timesafter i made free ads for “ zhongxin fishing lures “ , including the twotimes that i visited a fishing pond ( for my year - round card is toexpire soon ) , only to test the effects of my lures 上次為眾信魚餌作了一次“廣告”以后,我曾經出釣過好幾次,甚至還去過兩次全塘(年卡就要滿期了) ,為的是檢驗一下餌料的效果,現在看來,我相信眾信有他無限的發展前景。

Along with information technology advanced and china joining wto ( world trade organization ) , chinese logistics companies will be competing with international magnets . the third profits mine lures companies to strive to snatch it 在信息技術的推動和加入wto的壓力下,我國物流業將直接面對國際物流的競爭;第三利潤源泉的挖掘同時為物流業的發展帶來了新的契機。

From this the paper makes a start to discuss how to cultivate teenagers ' new quality of innovative wills efficiently in the following three ways : how to stand loneliness , how to withstand lures , and how to bear setbacks 本文由此發端,從耐得住寂寞、抵得住誘惑和經得起挫折三方面著力探討論述了鍛造青少年創新意志新品質的途徑與效能。

Combination of information and sales site . trapping articles , discussion topics , message board , picture gallery , and links . trapping lures , books , videos , traps , and other trapping equipment for sale 信息和出售地點的聯合。套住文章,討論話題,消息董事會,圖畫畫廊,和連接。套住誘惑,書,錄像,陷井,和待售的另外的套住的設備。

Propose luring the making transition mandatorily to the demand from the policy in the industrial structure change route of china , under the demand lures the spontaneous industrial structure change is the optimum route 提出中國的產業結構變動路徑要由政策強制性向需求誘制性轉變,需求誘制下的自發產業結構的變動才是最優的路徑。

Therefore , it is found that the problems of robust control for uncertain lur ' e system included time - delays must been fully investigated due to the fact that all above phenomena may occur in the real control systems 所有以上這些現象在實際的控制系統中的存在,使得不確定lur ’ e時滯系統的魯棒控制問題的研究成為了必然。

But sometimes pragmatism lures it into backroom deals with big countries , notably france and germany , undermining both reform in general and hopes of a break - up of national champions 但有時實用主義會把它(指歐委會)誘入暗室與大國作交易,特別是法國和德國,既總體上破壞改革,也破壞了結束國家經濟保護主義的希望。

In this paper , to counter a flexible beam undergoing large overall motion ima refined plate theory for transversely isotropic materials is derived by using elliott - lodge solutions and lur e operator method . the two possibilities 利用elliott - lodge解和lur e算子方導出了橫觀各向同性板的精化理論,并考慮了本征根

Before that , my life was always agitated by a tangle of tricks , feints , and illusions intended to outwit the countless lures that tried to turn me into anything but a writer 在那段時間中,我的生命總是因為種種哄騙、假像和幻覺,而激動不安,如果沒有它們,我一定無法戰勝無數誘惑,不當作家而改投其他行業。

Smile lures millions of visitors to the louvre , is displayed behind glass to protect it from climatic changes and camera flashes . it will be put in a specially room in the louvre early next year 蒙娜麗莎陳列在玻璃罩內,以防止氣候變化和照相機閃光燈帶來的損害,她的神秘微笑吸引了無數游客來盧浮宮參觀。

In this paper , the problems of robust control for uncertain lur ' e system with time - delays have been studied . the idea of research rooted in the state system and semistate ( singular ) system 本文研究了不確定lur ’ e時滯系統的魯棒控制問題,研究思路從系統狀態的完全性以及狀態的不完全性兩方面入手。

Aimo ( lure ) : lure is pretty cool because it lures all neutral aggressive units within the specified range . you can also specify the time interval in which the units are lured 怪獸誘捕守衛) : “怪獸誘捕守衛”是個酷斃了的技能,因為它可以引誘指定范圍里的中立敵對單位,你還可以設置被引誘間隔時間。

The painting , whose smile lures millions of visitors to the louvre , is displayed behind glass to protect it from climatic changes and camera flashes . it will be put in a specially 蒙娜麗莎陳列在玻璃罩內,以防止氣候變化和照相機閃光燈帶來的損害,她的神秘微笑吸引了無數游客來盧浮宮參觀。

We are professinal soft lures factory , we have capability of mould making , new products design and research . we can make lures according to customer ' s samples and requirment 我們是專業的軟誘惑工廠,我們有能力,模具制造,新產品設計和研究。我們可以做出誘惑根據客戶的樣品和需求。