
lupus n.1.【醫學】狼瘡。2.〔L-〕【天文學】豺狼座。

lupus erythematosus

You got a future , lupus . - you ever play with anyone famous 你前途無量,盧帕斯-你和著名球員打過球嗎?

Pretty impressive , guys . way to go , lupus . way to go , man 真讓人印象深刻,孩子們干得好,盧帕斯,干得好

Yuan zhaozhuang ' s experience on treatment of systemic lupus erythematosus 袁兆莊治療系統性紅斑狼瘡的經驗

Strike one ! - come on , lupus 1個好球! -加油,盧帕斯

The progress of traditional chinese medicine of systemic lupus erythematosus 系統性紅斑狼瘡中醫研究進展

Lupus : the king ain ' t gonna like this 姓金的不會高興的

A point , lupus . give us a point 重點,魯佩斯.告訴我重點

You ' re gonna take lupus with you 你將把我的朋友魯佩斯帶上

Even in lupus , their claws are almost catlike in sharpness 當化為狼形時,他們的爪子就像貓一樣銳利。

Experience about jinshi bushen huadu therapy for systemic lupus erythematosus 兒童狼瘡腎炎的治療體會

Jake : so lupus . what do you do now 魯佩斯.現在你要怎么做

Chinese medical research advance of systemic lupus erythematosus 后國有冶金企業人才流失防止對策研究

Oh , lupus , you should come . you ' re gonna love these guys 哦,魯佩斯,你應該來。你會喜歡這些家伙的

Abstract of lupus and fish oil study 摘要狼瘡和魚油的研究:

Lupus , however , is at an extreme 然而,狼瘡卻是其中的極端。

Look at that ! lupus hit the ball 快看啊!盧帕斯擊到球了! !

Lupus , we need a banker for this 魯佩斯,我們需要個借錢的地方

Treatment experience of lupus nephritis 系統性紅斑狼瘡辨治體會

Bone marrow transplantation in treating systemic lupus erythematosus 骨髓移植治療系統性紅斑狼瘡