
lupine n.【植物;植物學】白羽扇豆。


In the case of grain legumes , lupines and field peas , french ( 1990 ) has assessed their potential yields , based on available soil moisture similarly to his work with wheat 用其與小麥相似的研究方法,根據土壤有效水分評估了豆科糧食作物、羽扇豆和紫花豌豆的產量潛力。

In lupus form , lords are large and stocky , often resembling the lupine version of massive pit bulls ; they usually have coats as dark as their name would imply 在狼形態的時候,陰影議員巨大而結實,常常類似狼外形的壯實公牛;他們總是有他們名字暗示的那樣黑色的皮毛。

In return , the werewolves were to watch over gaia ' s creation , protecting both their human and lupine cousins 而狼人則為蓋亞照顧她地造物作為補償,他們要同時保護人和狼。

Many garou prefer to breed with wolves , leaving their cubs to be raised by lupine mates in the wilderness 很多狼人更愿意和狼混血,讓自己的孩子隨著荒野的群狼成長。

The whole valley floor , and the foothills too , would be carpeted with lupines and poppies 整個谷底和山麓都覆被上了一層厚厚的羽扇豆和罌粟花。

A shed stands in a field of lupine in halifax 在哈利法克斯,一座小屋佇立于開滿魯冰花的田野中。