
lupin n.【植物;植物學】白羽扇豆。


Indeed , leblanc was himself a great fan of the fictional english detective , and wrote a holmes - like detective named herlock sholmes into several of lupin ' s greatest adventures 事實上,勒布朗自己就是這名虛構英國偵探的狂熱崇拜者,而且他將一名神似福爾摩斯的偵探寫入羅蘋的許多精彩冒險故事中,甚至給他取名為“摩爾福斯” 。

In contrast to sherlock holmes , the ultimate detective , lupin was an extreme version of the gentleman criminal , a popular character in fiction and film throughout the 20th century 不同于福爾摩斯,這位天下第一偵探?羅蘋,以紳士怪盜這個極為不同的造型,成為縱橫20世紀小說界和影壇受歡迎的人物。

When snape became too curious about where lupin went every month , sirius tricked him into entering the passage under the whomping willow to find out 在斯內普對于盧平每月的去處太過好奇時,小天狼星就對他玩了一個惡作劇,騙他進入打人柳的密道就能找到答案。

All five - the potters , lupin , pettigrew , and black - joined the order of the phoenix [ / color ] and were active in the first war against voldemort 波特夫婦、盧平、小矮星和布萊克五個人在與伏地魔的第一次戰爭中都積極地加入了鳳凰社[ / color ]的工作。

The magazine regularly contained stories featuring the criminal genius , and in 1907 published a collection called “ arsene lupin , gentleman burglar 這本雜志定期在專欄刊登這位犯罪天才的故事,并在1907年編輯出版《怪盜亞森?羅蘋》一書。

This was followed with victor company of japan s “ kairoku lupin “ series dvd recorder equipped with new technology introduced by mr . namiki 緊接著,由日本victor株式會社的并木先生介紹了“怪錄rupan “ dvd錄像機系列上采用的新技術。

Created by french writer maurice leblanc , lupin first appeared in 1905 in the french magazine “ je sais tout ” ( i know everything ) 由法國作家莫里斯?勒布朗所塑造的羅蘋在1905年的一本法語雜志《我什么都知道》中首次登場。

If you have all the facts about lupin , you can deduce he won ' t stay long , her spell simply put together the pieces for her 如果你有有關盧平的一切資料,你就可以推斷出他不會待的長久,她的預言僅僅的把事實拼湊起來。

One particularly good example of this is the fact that lupin the werewolf didn ' t transform into a wolf until the moon came out from behind a cloud 一個很好的例子就是狼人盧平直到月亮從云后顯露出來才變形成為狼。

Later in his career , lupin actually works with the police , and in one adventure , even leads a murder investigation 在后期的偵探生涯中,羅蘋其實還與警方一同辦案,在一次冒險中,他甚至還主持了對一件謀殺案的調查。

Harry tends to think that before he met remus lupin , the only people he ' d ever heard say the name were himself and albus dumbledore 哈利在遇見萊姆斯?盧平之前以為只有他自己和阿不思?鄧布利多敢說出這個名字。

He is arsene lupin , gentleman - criminal - turned - detective and one of france ' s best - known and best - loved literary figures 他就是亞森?羅蘋,紳士怪盜名偵探,也是法國最有名而且最受喜愛的文學人物之一。

After spending many years in obscurity , leblanc finally gained literary fame in his 40s with the creation of arsene lupin 勒布朗多年來一直默默無聞,終于在四十多歲時因創作亞森?羅蘋享譽文壇。

Finally one day , she bought packets of lupin seeds and scattered them on every corner that she walked past . . . . . 直至有一天,她買了一包包魯冰花的種子,把它們灑在她所經過的每一個角落. .

By outwitting sholmes , arsene lupin is , once and for all , proved to be the world ' s greatest criminal genius 由于智取摩爾福斯,亞森羅蘋徹底證明了他是世界上最厲害的犯罪天才。

Following the success of the first novel , arsene lupin kept his creator busy for the next quarter of a century 第一本小說一炮打響后,亞森?羅蘋使他的創作者忙碌了25年。

Their rivalry leads to a gun battle which kills the woman with whom lupin had decided to settle down 他們的宿怨引發一場槍戰,導致羅蘋決心攜手一生的女子香消玉殞。

Then lupin calls it back before harry has to deal with it , and sends it to neville to finish it off 盧平教授在哈利對付博格特之前將它交給了納威,讓他結束訓練。

The last book in the 20 - book series , “ the billions of arsene lupin , ” came out in 1933 20本亞森?羅蘋系列叢書中的最后一本《萬變的亞森?羅蘋》于1933年問世。