
lupercalia n.pl. 古羅馬牧神節〔二月十五日〕 (= Luper...


At that time custom be : during the period of lupercalia , every youth male person draws lots from one in the box , being readjusting oneself to a certain extent in the box writes brief informal note having youth woman full name 那時的風俗是:在牧神節期間,每個青年男子從一只盒子里抽簽,盒子里放的是寫有青年女子姓名的條子。

Custom that time is : during the period of lupercalia , every youth male person draws lots from one in the box , being readjusting oneself to a certain extent in the box writes brief informal note having youth woman full name 當時的風俗是:在牧神節期間,每個青年男子從一只盒子里抽簽,盒子里放的是寫有青年女子姓名的條子。

Edition three : annotation says february 14 , fantailun saves ( valentine ' s day ) on one english dictionary , originate from roman lupercalia 版本三:一本英語辭典上注釋說,范泰倫節(情人節)二月十四日,來源于古羅馬的牧神節。

On the eve of the festival of lupercalia the names of roman girls were written on slips of paper and placed into jars 這樣,過節的時候,小伙子就可以與自己選擇的姑娘一起跳舞,慶祝節日。

Edition three : valentine ' s day originates from roman lupercalia 版本三:情人節來源于古羅馬的牧神節。