
lunisolar adj.月與日的;由于月日的引力的。 the lunis...


The latest sky show “ ancient chinese astronomy “ leads you to the world of chinese astronomy - from the lunisolar calendar that is still widely used today , to the astronomical instruments and records in the past 全新制作的天象節目中國古天文成就,將會帶領你縱橫五千年,進入中國古天文學的天地:從古時的歷法,以至天象記錄及天文儀器,本節目均會為你一一介紹。

Years are calculated the same way as the japanese calendar , while days and months are calculated using the lunisolar calendar 年的計算方法與日本日歷相同,而日和月則按陰陽歷計算。

Years are calculated using the gregorian calendar , while days and months are calculated using the lunisolar calendar 年按公歷計算,而日和月按陰陽歷計算。

Gets a value indicating whether the current calendar is solar - based , lunar - based , or lunisolar - based 獲取一個值,該值指示當前日歷是陽歷、陰歷還是陰陽歷。

Years are calculated using the chinese calendar , while days and months are calculated using the lunisolar calendar 年按農歷計算,而日和月按陰陽歷計算。

Class ; therefore , this class can be used only to calculate dates in the chinese lunisolar calendar ;因此,此類只能用來計算中國陰陽歷中的日期。

Class ; therefore , this class can be used only to calculate dates in the korean lunisolar calendar ;因此,此類只能用來計算韓國陰陽歷中的日期。

Class ; therefore , this class can be used only to calculate dates in the japanese lunisolar calendar ;因此,此類只能用于計算日本日歷中的日期。

Specifies whether a calendar is solar - based , lunar - based , or lunisolar - based 指定日歷是陽歷、陰歷還是陰陽歷。

Lunisolar gravitational perturbation 日月引力攝動

It ' s actually a lunisolar calendar 這實際上是一本陰陽日歷。

Currently , none of the lunisolar calendar classes that derive from 屬性返回區域性的默認日歷,

Method to convert from lunisolar calendar data to a 屬性設置為新的

Object in the terms used by lunisolar calendars , and the 所使用的日歷,請將

Traditional chinese lunisolar calendar and its intercalation 中國傳統夏歷及其置閏

The so-called lunisolar precession is caused by the inequality of the moments of inertia of the earth . 所謂日月歲差,是由于地球轉動慣量的不相等造成的。