
lunge n.1.(刀劍的)刺,戳。2.突出;突進;猛沖。vi.(...


He walked at the other s heels with a swing to his shoulders , and his legs spread unwittingly , as if the level floors were tilting up and sinking down to the heave and lunge of the sea 他搖晃著肩膀跟在那人身后走著,兩條腿不自覺地叉開,仿佛平坦的地板在隨著波濤左右傾側,上下顛簸,那寬闊的房間似乎裝不下他那晃動的腳步。

They race horse - drawn chariots and lunge with fake swords , and i can ' t help but be charmed by the eager - to please side of jordan that is quickly becoming my dominant impression of the country 他們駕權著馬戰車競賽,揮舞著假劍戳刺,我情不自禁地被約旦急于取悅游客的這一面所吸引,它很快地就成為我對這個國度的主要印象。

Introduction : home invaded by the enemy ; take up arms and fight the enemy started it ; operations guide : keyboard mouse control , kill all the enemies . by ctrl attacks , box squat , lunge r key loading key 家園被敵人入侵了拿起武器和敵人展開戰斗吧操作指南:鍵盤鼠標控制,干掉所有敵人,按ctrl鍵攻擊,空格下蹲, r鍵裝彈

Home invaded by the enemy ; take up arms and fight the enemy started it ; operations guide : keyboard mouse control , kill all the enemies . by ctrl attacks , box squat , lunge r key loading key 家園被敵人入侵了拿起武器和敵人展開戰斗吧操作指南:鍵盤鼠標控制,干掉所有敵人,按ctrl鍵攻擊,空格下蹲, r鍵裝彈

They race horse - drawn chariots and lunge with fake swords , and i can ' t help but be charmed by the eager - to - please side of jordan that is quickly becoming my dominant impression of the country 演員們表演著馬拉戰車和道具寶劍,我忍不住為之著迷,約旦的一個側面,這立刻成為我對這個國家最主要的印象。

H bond for boxing , j . key for legs . 2p : around key keyboard control direction , double - click or left - right - the car , on bond jumping and keys to squat , lunge a key to the defensive , two keys to 2p :鍵盤左右鍵控制方向,雙擊左鍵或右鍵快跑,上鍵為跳躍,下鍵為下蹲, 1鍵為防守, 2鍵為拳擊, 3鍵為腿。

They can warn only that another is bound to come and that the conditions now seem ripe , with a fierce strain of avian flu killing people in asia and infecting birds in a rapid westward lunge toward europe 在亞洲,已有人因感染了猛暴的禽流感病毒株而喪命,而禽鳥的感染也正快速向西、朝歐洲蔓延。

And with this dog lacks in size , she makes up for in spirit . when a rattlesnake threatened her owner ' s grandson , zoey lunged between them and took the bites 這只狗個子不高,但他精神可嘉。當一條響尾蛇威脅到主人的孫子時,佐伊跳到他們中間,咬了住了這條蛇(是誰咬誰? ) 。

He also lacked the sharpness and energy to close down the opposition with real intent , often lunging at the last moment in the realisation that he wasn ' t going to get to the ball first 他也缺乏沖勁和能量去帶球靠近對方,在最后時刻經常喘氣,顯得他并不想最先得到球。

Keyboard control around key direction on key jump , keys squat , lunge key blanks for the special function keys on the chandelier or the swing open the gates , etc . 鍵盤左右鍵控制方向,上鍵跳躍,下鍵下蹲,空格鍵為特殊功能鍵可以在吊燈上蕩秋千或打開閘門等。

And with this dog lacks in size , she makes up for in spirit . when a rattlesnake threatened her owner ' s grandson , zoey lunged between them and took the bites 這只狗雖然小巧,但形象卻十分高大。當一條響尾蛇威脅到她主人的孫子,祖兒搶到他們身前并咬住那條住蛇。

Key jump on the keyboard , the keys squat , lunge defensive left , a , d keys attack key blanks nirvana commands when power trough full of energy when they can be used 鍵盤上鍵跳躍,下鍵下蹲,左鍵防守, a d鍵攻擊,空格鍵必殺技當power能量槽滿的時候才能使用。

One - two - got him right in the middle of his chest ! “ he lunged and struck the young man with such force that the latter grew very pale and could not speak for some seconds 他做了一個擊劍時沖刺的動作,對他這樣一擊,福什利臉色變得蒼白,一時說不出話來。

Exercising an immature animal , by lunging for example , can put strain onto the joints and cause deformities such as splints 鍛煉不成熟的小馬駒,打個比方通過調教索訓練,會對關節施加壓力以及會造成類似掌骨疣(馬的裂骨或炮骨的擴大)的畸形。

And with this dog lacks in size , she makes up for in spirit . when a rattlesnake threatened her owner ' s grandson , zoey lunged between them and took the bites 與此狗沒有大小,她彌補了精神.當響尾蛇嚇她擁有的孫子,龍撲來,他們之間并借此叮咬

The next use for moving around , jump and squat , lunge to escape flying branches and other obstacles . skip a spiral cars reached their final point 利用上下左右進行移動跳躍和下蹲,躲開飛來的樹枝等障礙,跳過一節節車廂到達最終點。

Herewith , and with some chagrin , i offer a few lessons to learn from my fateful , inadequate lunge , as well as the calamities of others 從我本身以及其他攀巖者的慘痛經驗中,有一些經驗,我相信是可以幫助大家避免掉下一次意外發生的。

When told the news a young friend who was a regular victim of chester ' s lunging lovebombs said mournfully “ he was the sweetest creature i ever saw 畢竟,深為自然界呈現給我們的偉大美景而感動完全是正常的、具有深刻人性的事。

Using a pair of giant clippers , the bare - chested chinese man lunges into one of many wire cages on a truck and pins down a yelping dog 一個赤裸著胸膛的中國男人用一對大夾子戳進卡車上很多鐵絲籠中的一個,夾住一只嗚咽的狗。