
lung n.1.肺臟,肺。2.(無脊椎動物的)呼吸器官。3.【醫...

lung irritant

Joe is somewhat awed by his heart, liver, lungs and other organs . 喬有點被他的心臟、肝臟、肺臟和其他器官嚇住了。

The residence gradient for lung cancer was strongest among nonsmokers . 肺癌的居住區梯度在不吸煙者當中最大。

The pent-up air burst hotly from rainsford's lungs . 一股強烈的抑郁之氣猛地從瑞福德的肺腑里熾熱地沖了出來。

The mersey, the clyde were the lungs through which we breathed . 默爾西河和克萊德灣成了我們賴以呼吸的肺葉。

Gastric distention may also reduce lung volume by elevating the diaphragm . 胃脹使膈升高也會減少肺的容積。

Most people with lung abscess will be found to have periodontal disease . 多數肺膿腫患者可發現有牙周病。

Its convex border should project far into the right lower lung field . 其凸出緣應深深地突入右下肺野內。

The gills of fishes are analogous to the lungs in terrestrial animals . 魚類的鰓與陸上動物的肺類似。

He wanted to fill his soul's lungs with the pure radiance . 他盼望那純凈的光輝能夠灑遍他的靈魂深處。

His lungs are affected . 他患肺病了。

Her lungs rattled worse than this complimentary bus . 她肺部的哮喘聲比這輛汽車引吭高唱的贊歌還響。

Respiratory tract fluid is the major product of the normal lung . 呼吸道液體是正常肺的主要產物。

The air came into his lungs sharp and cold as he breathed . 他呼吸時覺得吸進肺部的空氣冷得刺人。

Air that is expelled from the lungs passes through the glottis . 空氣從肺部輸出,首先通過聲門。

Even the movements of the heart and lungs are greatly reduced . 甚至心肺的活動量也大大減少了。

The lung possesses its own local immune responsive system . 肺本身就具有局部免疫反應系統。

Lung cancer is almost always a self-inflicted disease . 肺癌通常是一種使患者受折磨的病癥。

Only micronic particulates penetrate to the depth of the lung . 只有微細粒子穿透到肺深部。

Smoking can cause lung cancer . 吸煙可致肺癌。