
lune n.半月形,弓形,月牙形;新月形物;月亮。 lune o...


But later that night , she ' s visited by the king of cats and his procession of guards and told that the cat she saved was the king ' s son , prince lune 小春不勝其煩,最后更被貓之國度的臣民擄走,帶到貓之國度,從此展開奇妙之旅。

Lavender blue is a relatively dark tone , while pale blue is light , and clare de lune is even paler with an inner sheen 其中較深的為天藍,較淡者為天青,更淡者為月白。

Effects of cistanche desertica polysacchrides on the constitution of protein and anti - oxidative capacity of lune in aging mice 增智膠囊對小鼠學習記憶的影響

On our spherical earth each segment delineates a lune called a time zone . 在我們這第一個球形的地球上,被劃成月牙形的每一個等分稱為一個時區。