
lunchtime 午餐時間。。


Harry : well , if i set off at ten o ' clock in the morning , i should be there at lunchtime 哈里:嗯,如果我早上十點鐘出發,在午飯時間應該能到那兒。

How ' s your diet going ? you ' ve had your eye on the cake display all lunchtime 你節食得怎么樣了?吃中飯的時候你的眼睛一直盯著那個蛋糕陳列架!

After meetings during lunchtime , i often went to profe ' s class to get his advice 在午餐時間開完會后,我常去老師的課室找他,請他指點迷津。

It is the lunchtime . the smiths and the clarks want to find a place to eat 是午餐的時間了。史密斯夫婦和克拉克夫婦想找個地方吃飯。

B ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? or lunchtime , if that ' s easier for you . ? i ' m free either time 或者一起吃午飯,如果對你更方便的話。我兩個時間都有空。

Lunchtime , doubly so 午飯時間同樣也是

Lunchtime . time for lunch 午飯時間到了

B : or lunchtime , if that ' s easier for you . i ' m free either time 或者一起吃午飯,如果對你更方便的話。我兩個時間都有空。

I thought you still had a piece of salad stuck to your lip from lunchtime 我還以為你們吃了午飯有幾片蔬菜葉子沒拿掉呢

It was almost lunchtime 都到了吃午飯的時間

Or lunchtime , if that ' s easier for you . i ' m free either time 或者一起吃午飯,如果對你更方便的話。我兩個時間都有空。

B or lunchtime if that ' s easier for you . i ' m free both times 或者是午餐時間如果你更合適的話。我兩個時間都有空。

Well , why not rest this morning ? i ' ll look in at lunchtime 哦,為什么上午不休息呢?我吃午飯的時候順便去看你。

What is up with this lunchtime shit ? - meals are very important to him -還吃什么午餐? -進餐對于他來說很重要

Or lunchtime if that ' s easier for you . i ' m free both times 或者是午餐時間如果你更合適的話。我兩個時間都有空。

It ' s almost lunchtime on a holiday , so the park is quite crowded 快到午餐時間了,假日里,公園顯得十分擁擠。

At the nearby hotel at lunchtime crespo meets the press 在附近的一個旅館內,克雷斯波于午飯時間和記者會面。

Come on , rip van winkle , wake up ! it ' s nearly lunchtime 快,醒醒啦,睡不醒的人!已經快到吃午飯的時候了。

Peak hours are lunchtime and early evening , avoid these periods 高峰時間是午餐時間并且傍晚,避免這些期間。