
luncheon n.1.午餐,午宴,午餐會。2.兩餐之間吃的一點食物。

luncheon meat

Br > a : i ‘ m sorry , but i have to cancel out luncheon appointment 真抱歉,不過我不得不取消我們午餐的約會。

What shall we do after luncheon 吃過午餐我們干什么?

Hku luncheon talk - 1 : 00pm 高瞻遠矚午餐講座:下午一時正

Hku foundation annual general meeting 2007 - cum - hku luncheon talk 香港大學基金周年大會暨高瞻遠矚午餐講座

4 luncheons visits are organized 舉辦四個午餐會探訪。

Speech at hkma luncheon , london 在香港金融管理局倫敦午宴

Food safety of canned luncheon meat 罐頭午餐肉的食物安全

A : i ‘ m sorry , but i have to cancel out luncheon appointment 真抱歉,不過我不得不取消我們午餐的約會。

A : i ' m sorry , but i hae to cancel out luncheon appointment 真抱歉,不過我不得不取消我們午餐的約會。

. . . two luncheons and - - it ' s only been five days since we went for dinner 我們就參加了3次茶會2次午宴

Details of the luncheon talk as follows 午餐講座詳情如下:

I ‘ m sorry , but i have to cancel out luncheon appointment 真抱歉,不過我不得不取消我們午餐的約會。

They had the business luncheon catered by an indian restaurant 他們的商務午宴由一家印度餐廳提供。

Carol does throw one heck of a luncheon 卡羅爾對晚餐有點牢騷

Two luncheons and - it ' s only been five days since we went for dinner 我們就參加了3次茶會2次午宴

To be a guest speaker at this luncheon ? ? ' 作為嘉賓在這里演講?

Strengthen the monitoring of school luncheons 加強監管學校午餐

Guest speaker at this luncheon , 作為嘉賓在這個正式的演講的時候

Details of the luncheon talk are as follows 午餐講座詳情如下: